Chapter 2

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I woke up to the smell of coffee. Yawning, I stretched and then got out of bed. I ambled to the kitchen, preparing myself to see Hayes. I wasn't prepared for the sight of Hayes shirtless, at the stove, cooking pancakes. He turned around. "Good morning." He had a nice body but he was still kind of a douche. "Morning." I turned around to leave the kitchen. Hayes' arms wrapped around my waist. I pulled away. "Why?" I looked back at him. "I'm sorry." I whispered. Then I walked back to the bedroom.

I was just sitting on the bed when Hayes walked in. "Get ready, I want to introduce you to my friends." I hopped up without a word and went to the bathroom. I washed my face and put on foundation, mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, and lip gloss. Then I brushed out my hair and left it down long in its natural auburn waves. I got dressed in flowery skirt and a cream shirt with a wide brown braided belt and a jean jacket. I grabbed my brown sandals and walked into the family room. When Hayes walked out of the room after finally getting dressed, he was wearing khakis, a white shirt, and a leather jacket, with black vans.

"Come on." Hayes grabbed his keys, and we went out to his car. He got in the drivers side and I opened the door to my side and got in myself. He started the car and we started driving down the streets of LA. "Um... Where are we going?" He looked at me. "My friend Nate's house. There's gonna be about 15 guys there, so be on your best behavior." I gulped. "I'll try." A few more turns and we pulled into a huge circular driveway in front of a huge mansion. A bunch of fancy Italian cars lined the driveway.

Hayes grabbed my hand and pulled me up to the front door. He knocked and a boy answered. "Hey bro!" He said as Hayes bro hugged him or whatever guys do. "Who's the pretty lady?" He looked me up and down in a way that made me feel a little uncomfortable. Hayes put his arm around my waist, and pulled me closer to him. "This is my girl Olivia." A voice called from inside the house. "Nate, don't keep him at the door! Let him in."

We walked into a huge den filled with people. There had to be at least  12 or 13 guys there. Hayes sat down on the couch and pulled me onto his lap. "Hayes, who's the new chick?" Some tan guy with brown hair asked. "This is my girl Olivia." He kissed me on the cheek and I cringed. "Why don't we introduce ourselves?" The guy who answered the door asked. "I'm Nate." The guy with brown hair and the guy with blonde hair next to him said "I'm Jack." I raised my eyebrows, so the blonde guy amended the statement. "You can call him G and me J." A guy wearing a bandana introduced himself as Taylor, and then I met Cam, Matt, Shawn, Aaron, Jacob, Daniel, Kenny, and Hayes' brother Nash. Finally a guy with super deep dimples said, "I'm Sammy. But you can call me Daddy." Hayes smirked. "The only person she's calling Daddy is me, Wilk." I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

All the boys were giving us strange looks so I excused myself to the bathroom. Then I just listened around the corner. "So what's with you and Olivia?" Hayes sighed. "You guys wanna know the real story? I'm being forced to marry her for my career, because Ethan said he would drop me if I didn't get my act together. She doesn't like me, and I don't like her either, because, to be honest, she's actually kind of a bitch." I walked back around the corner, and the boys grabbed their phones and pretended like they were on them the whole time.

I sat down in the corner away from Hayes. "Baby, come sit next to me." Hayes said sweetly. I gave him a look. "Baby? Don't you mean bitch?" All the boys gasped. "Yea, I heard every word of what you said. Don't bother apologizing." As Hayes tried to say something, I walked out of the room. Then I went and sat in the car. Hayes walked up about 5 minutes later. "Olivia, I'm sorry." I ignored him. "Seriously, I'm really sorry, I just... I don't know how to do this and I know I'm acting like an asshole." I looked over. "Then try to not act like an asshole."

I was surprised to see tears rolling down Hayes' face as he bent over the steering wheel, his head in his hands. Then he grabbed my face and pressed his lips on mine, harshly. I pulled away. "You just took my first kiss away from me." I looked out the window. "I wanted it to be special." I heard a loud noise and I saw Hayes punching the dashboard. "Why do I always have to mess it up?" He whispered to himself. I just stared at him crying, tears running down my face. He looked over. "Princess, why are you crying?" I sniffled. "Because I'm never going to be the type of girl you want. I'm never going to party, and get drunk or high, or have sex." He put his hand on my shoulder. "See, the thing is.... My parents picked you because you aren't that type of girl. You're here to settle me down, and the weddings in almost a year. We can figure it out." I looked up into his brilliant blue eyes. "You really think so?" Hayes smiled. "I know so."

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