Tony Stark cares? (OC)

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(A/N - Advance warning, there is quite a lot of swearing in this so beware if that sort of thing makes you uncomfortable... There are also hints of domestic abuse and self harm so if that triggers you, I would recommend skipping this. This is from an OC of mine's perspective based on one of my very first dreams or rather nightmare in this case.

If you or someone else is suffering with suicidal thoughts and feelings, never be afraid to ask for help. It's ok to not be ok, DM me or call the national suicidal helpline on 1-800-273-8255 or Samaritans on 116 123. Stay safe out there!)


"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Let me pay for that."
"No, honestly, it's fine. It was completely my fault."
"No, I insist. That suit looks like one of a kind." I gasped. "It must of cost thousands, please allow me to fix this."
"The price doesn't matter." he chuckled, stepping back to look at me properly.
"Where are my manners, excuse me. I'm Kyla, Kyla Wilkinson."
"What a beautiful and unique name you have, Kyla." he smiled as my name ran off his tongue naturally. "T-thank you."
"Now, must dash. I have a meeting to attend" he fake yawned, rolling his eyes in the process. "Until the next time."

That happened 2 years ago, ohh how time flies. I've been working here at the newly reformed Stark Tower for 2 years and believe it or not, Tony and I actually get along, beside the fact we both have a volatile, don't play well with others attitude half the time. Being his second hand person since Pepper called quits shortly before the events of Ultron as it's quite the task, however the perks are being able to hang with the Avengers on the odd occasion. I've done a couple of sparring sessions with Nat and Clint, you never know when you need to use self defence.

But, yeah, my job's pretty simple, well depending if you look at it from a science nerds perspective, of which I am one. Helping around the lab when needed, whether that means taking notes, getting stuff for both him and Bruce, or on that ,one occasion where I some how became the guinea pig, it's a long story for another day. Anyway, the main role I have is to deal with anything that Tony can't be bothered to do, which, come to think of it, is most things.

Within the last month or two, Tony has worked constantly and hasn't slept. How do I know this you may ask? We share a room, not like that, but I have the spare room attached to his in case he needs, and I quote "Sudden and urgent help." Or as I prefer, be at his beck and call at all times. In other words, take out the trash, I mean the 'wonderful' girls he brings home, which may I add is totally wrong. It's almost an obsession, and the icing on the cake is that he openly flirts with every girl or woman, granted they're old enough, including myself.

Actually, with me it's more to embarrass me in front of the others, nothing but harmless flirting, to him at least. Not me though. Yes, I admit I have developed quite the crush, a soft spot for the well know playboy billionaire. Ohh, sorry. "Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist."

Anyway, back to the issue at hand. I had just woken up, not that I was sleeping anyway, it was currently 3:24 in the morning and the reason I woke was due to a loud crash, followed by a string of profanities. To be honest and fair, it wasn't like this was out of the blue, on the contrary it was a regular occurrence here at his Malibu pad. But, tonight was the night I decided I couldn't deal with this anymore, this was the final straw. I padded down the spiral staircase into Tony's lab/workshop, in my onesie because yes I'm stylish. As I rounded the corner, I saw an all too familiar sight; Tony was on his knees, pieces of the suits scattered across the room, various tools laying around. "Ohh, Tony." I whispered.

"Kyla? Why are you up?"
"I can't sleep. You've been making too much noise the past couple of nights. You haven't slept properly in weeks. None of this is good for either of us, what with our insomnia."
"Einstein slept-"
"Don't want to hear it Tony."
"Why do you care anyway, you're not my mother."
"As your assistant, as a friend, I'm worried about your health Tony."
"Well how about you go worry some place else."

Did he just... I'm not taking this anymore. I stormed over to him as he stood to face me; his eyes bloodshot, clothes dishevelled and a thick layer of grease on his face and hands. "You know what, I'm done with this. What's gotten into you recently, what's the problem, huh? Just the other day, you snapped at poor Bruce for something you did, you practically lashed out at Steve over coffee. COFFEE Tony."

"Nothing's gotten into me."
"Ohh yeah, I find that somewhat hard to believe."
"You want to know what my problem is, huh? You." he spat, venom in his voice.
"What, me?"
"There you go, you wanted to know so there's your answer."
"After two years, after all that I've done for you. Who the fuck do you think you are? I answer to your every beck and call and you want to tell me I'm the problem here."
"You, you. I can't right now." I stuttered, trying to comprehend what I was hearing.
"Shut the door on your way out."

Ohh, you've gone and done it now buddy, you pushed the wrong buttons.

"You know what? I should have fired you ages ago."
"Fine, if that's the game you want to play. I. Quit."
"Excuse me, you think this is all a game?" I asked, stepping right in front of him.
"Yes, yes I do. And I find it incredibly hilarious."

His eyes lit up as the fire raged through him. We now stood face to face, his arms were flexed and his nostrils flared. "Nothing to say now have we Mr Stark." I smirked as I watched him turn away. "Always the coward when it all boils down, not such a big man now. Typical." He spun on his heel so fast that I had no time to register what was happening until I flinched out of instinct. He had his hand raised as if he was about to strike. I froze, locked into place as his eyes pierced my soul.

He came to his senses and realised what he was about to do and immediately dropped his hand to his side, still maintaining the soul piercing stare. I slowly began to return to normal, identifying the threat he posed right now, before backing away from him.
"K-Kyla, I'm so sorry. I-"
"S-save it, Tony."
"Please, I didn't- I wouldn't-" he tried to sympathise, stepping towards me.
"No! Stay away from me. I never want to see you again." I cried as I turned and bolted for the door, him just behind me. Just as I reached the door, he went to reach for my waist, causing me to dodge him and him instead catching my forearm, scratching it in the process.

I ran up to my room and locked the door. "Jarvis, under no circumstance do you let HIM in."
"As you wish Miss. I also recorded all that happened in the workshop, should you need it." the AI replied. I threw myself on my bed and I cried myself to sleep, only to be woken up by it replaying in a nightmare, but worse. I had to go, leave and never look back. I pulled out as much of my stuff as I could carry and packed my bags in record time. I quickly changed in to some jeans and a baggy hoodie before calling Steve.

"Hi Steve"
"Kyla, is everything ok?"
"Sorry if I woke you."
"No, it's fine. Are you ok, you sound as if you've been crying?"
"No, I'm not. I just...I don't know anymore Steve. Can I come to yours until the morning and I'll be gone, I don't want to be too much trouble."
"Of course, stay as long as you need. Where are you right now?"
"I'll be there in 10"
"Thank you so much Steve"
"No problem Kyla. See you soon." He finished, hanging up leaving me in the eerie silence once again.

"Jarvis, where's T-Tony?"
"He's still in the workshop, it appears he suffered a panic attack shortly after your departure and has now passed out cold"
"Ohhh, ok. Jarvis, I'm sorry to leave like this but-"
"I understand Miss Kyla. Mr Starks actions were rash and extremely out of character, completely unacceptable."
"Please don't tell him where I am or where I go. Maybe this blows over and we can start fresh but that is highly unlikely in the near future."
"I understand Miss. I have paid your latest instalment into your account. Can I say it was a pleasure to work with you."
"As it was you J." I whispered, grabbing my stuff as I heard Steve's engine roar outside.

I made sure I had gathered all that I needed as I headed towards the door, stopping in my tracks to look back at what I had come to call 'Home and Work' for the past two years of my life. "I'm going to miss this place. Maybe one day Tony. One day you'll understand." With that said and done, I hoped on to the back of Steve's bike as we rolled out.

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