The Cliques of Norway

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Norway People and The People in Norway always have one thing in common which is they both lime only in cliques. Cliques for those of you how may not know are small groups of people who support each other and only lime with people within there group. Groups are way different cause anyone can join or make a group but not a clique. In a group, they tend to have mostly friends but a clique mostly has acquaintance, not friends. You would be lucky if they ever become your real friends. That's why I usually stay away from cliques and be alone which I'm used to by now.

Funny thing is am Roman Catholic and my dad is so is most of the town's people but they still choose to make a Presbyterian School which is beyond me. They say this town is a Roman Catholic Church town but still they make a Presbyterian School weird, right. One of the worlds many mysteries. My sis whom I call her Abeo is a Presbyterian living in a Roman Catholic home going a Presbyterian School and a Roman Catholic church conflicting right. While I who is a happy Roman Catholic tend to think of myself as a non-episcopal Catholic cause as you'll know I break all the rules ever known to man. Just last week I escaped from school while designated prayer time was going on to wreck the Principal's office and go to my private sanctuary at my church, not some ordinary old school church. When back at home I got the world of lectures from my Aunt about respect and the conduct I must have as a grown woman and daughter of the Cardinal. "But my dad left me to go who knows were to leave us, he did not even tell me goodbye." Works up a cry. "That's why you must be strong... be strong for him." "And stop liming with those good for nothing friends of yours" "Huh!, you don't understand and you never will!, I wish dad was here" Cries and runs up to her room, slams the door locking it and playing music loud to crack the windows.

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