Episode 2 (Part 1!)

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Me- "Hello and welcome back to the bachelorette let's get this started here is how the bachelorette will work, First Hermione will go on a date and ask them questions with all the boys then rate it on a scale of 1 to 10 then after she rates the guy with the least will leave on this episode".
Me- Who is first?
Hermione- Um.... Neville.
Me- Ok Neville come on down.
Neville- *Walks up* Hey.
Hermione- Hello Neville *Smiles*.
Me- Have fun you two love birds.
Hermione- Where will you be taking me?
Neville- I will be taking you on a train ride to a lovely park I know of.
Hermione- That sounds great.
* They get on a train and sit down*
Hermione- What made you think of a train?
Neville- Well it was the first place I met you.
Hermione- Awwwww.
Neville- *Bushes* I hoped you would like it.
Hermione- It's very sweet.
Neville- you can ask me anything.
Hermione- Um.. Oh What made you start liking me?
Neville- When I first seen you and got to know you, I realized that you were kind and smart and really pretty.
Hermione- *Blushes* Awww your just to sweet.
*At the park*
Hermione- It's so pretty out here.
Neville- It really is.
Hermione- So what are we going to do here?
Neville- Well there's a playground.
Hermione- *Smiles* I love playground's
*They race each other to the playground and both laugh*
Neville- Here get on a swing. I will push you.
Hermione- *Smiles and gets on*
Neville- *Pushes gently*
*After the date*
Me- Hermione Rate that Date.
Hermione- I give it a 10
Me- *Smiles* And that's a perfect 10 for Neville
Neville- *Smiles*

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