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"Make sure I have tickets to the football game on saturday, I really like to see Brandon play" I make up, this woudn't me to hard to fix. "Okey I can get you tickets" he says, glad he could do something for the sad girl. A few minutes later the bus comes. I get in and everyone stares at me. I try to ignore it and walk trough the bus. Than I see Taylor and quicly walk to her. Taylor is my bestie. "I see you have descided to go to school" she says when I take a seat next to her. "Yes, as you can see" "Why are you going by bus, can't your brother take you?" "I like riding the bus with you, crazy" I say laughing and  punch her softly. "Well that's true, it is fun with me"

When the bus arrivés at school, Taylor and I step out laughing. It's like I never left, I'm glad she acts normal around me. While we walk to the school everyone is staring at me. I stop walking, and climbe on the nearest table. "HEEY EVERYONE LISTEN UP!" I screem, everyone is emediatly quite. "I just wanne say, stop staring at me! I know I look great... I'm gonne tell the story  of what happend, here at the lunch break at one o'clock!" I jump of the table and everyone gets on with what they were doing. "You handled that well" Taylor says. I node and we walk to our lockers. When we arrive I open the locker and than emediatly close it. There is a mission file and a gun in my locker, why would they put it there? are they crazy everyone could see it. "Everything okey?" Taylor asks. "Yeah fine, I.. uhm.. I think I just keep my jacket on, it kind of cold" I make up as excuss to not opend my locker. "What about your books?"
"O this back isn't that havey" I say and smile awkwardly. "Well okey should we go to the rest" says she feeling the tension. "Yeah great idea" I say and walk towards the canteen. The rest of the way we don't say a word. When we almost reach the canteen I say: "I'll catch up with you guys I have to go to the bathroom" "..Okey, well see you in class" I quicly walk back to my locker. I am kind of nervous to open it, what if I have to kill a kid or something? Very slowly I open my locker. The file and the gun are still there, I didn't dream it. I look around to see if the coast is clear and than quickly put the gun in my bag. Carefully I open the file. I have to kill Amilio Gonzalez, a tippical maxican name, probly a drugsdealer who did something wrong. Amilio is 27 years old, 1,80 meters long and weights 105 kilo. He lives in an old apartment near the station in The Trems, The Trems is a bad neighborhood in San Antonio. The rule is that if you get the mission file on, for example a monday you have one night to prepair and you have to kill you target on the next day, in this case on tuesday. But I can better get it done so fast as posible, so I am going to Amilios house after school. I put the mission file in my bag and close it.

TRINNGGGG rings the bell. I have history, ugh I have Always hated it, even when we had to learn about the history of La'gûmerzó. I walk in the class and quickly take my seat. "I just wanne say, welcome back Emma. If there is anything I can do please say it" says miss Mc Laren our teacher "You can give me free" I joke. "Well that is not gonne happend, you missed a lot. So lets begin. I like to discus the resently happend event in the drug world" Drug world? please no why does she has to talk about that now. I place my head on my hands and listen, mabey something interesting happend. "I don't know if you have seen it in the news but there is a lot of chater about the drugs cartel La'gûmerzó. For a lot of months that cartel has been quite but people say that they are active again. There have been a series of murders with La'gûmerzó's mo" I know exactly where she is talking about, some of us had to kill for training. And with La'gûmerzó's mo she means the sign we have to leave at a crime scene. "I'll show you a fragment of the news from this mornig" The fragment is about a cop who is at a crime scene. I know how murderd this person. It was Sara, she is kind of a psygopat and this guy is murderd with a knife, only Sara would do that. The cop tells that the person who murderd this man was small, likely a woman or small man. They didn't finde fingerprints or DNA but they sure it was the cartel La'gûmerzó because the sign was painted on the mirror with lipstick. That is so Sara, she is a cold bitch she was made for this work. "Hé Em, are you listening" wisspers Taylor. "O what, sorry" "I said, what a boring lesson, why would we wanne learn about drugcartels" "O yeah super boring" but I don't mean it. "Emma and Taylor, quite and listen this is very important"

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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