Meeting Q

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It's not what you would expect to come out of a lovely looking teenage girl but she didn't and doesn't care what you think or what you expect. So let's paint a picture of her in your mind shall we? Well she's only about five one and she has long hair that that is black fading into a grey color. She likes to wear jeans and sweaters and has a high voice that either says the rudest or the nicest things, there is no in between. Now that you kind of have an idea of what she looks like let's meet her shall we? Here she is the one the only Whitney Houston!!!! Ha-ha, or as the cool kids say it these day "lol". I'm just kidding but I bet you got excited. My name is Quinn B. People just call me Q or Queen B. Don't ask what my last name is because nobody knows except my parents and I. So don't even think about asking because you won't get it out of me. I SAID STOP. Geez. You are so pushy. One thing I will tell you about me is that I'm a lesbian. A full blow lesbian and now let's get to my story. It is about me right? So let's do it.

It all started when my mom and my dad meet each other at a bar in Chicago, Illinois. They got super wasted and before you knew it BOOM! They were butt naked in a- What?? Why are you looking at me like that? That's what happened! Alright, alright. It really started the first day at my new school in New York. I moved to New York with my kick ass mom. My dad isn't in the picture he's one of those dead beats but that's okay because my mom is the best. She is tall with short wavy hair, she has pierced cartilage, and has a tattoo on her back of an evil looking mermaid in water. She enrolled me into a high school. It's named Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts. I know what a fancy name. It's a freaking music school. Why can't they just say that? I personally didn't want to go to this stuck up school but I went anyway (not like I had a choice). You may be wondering what instrument I play or if I draw or sing. Well I am going to tell you. I play guitar, the drums, I can draw a kick ass sheep and a very detailed penis, I can sing and also rap. It's not that impressive so don't raise your eyebrows or say wow and I will not perform for you. So don't ask. I will not rap for you. Nope. NOOOooooOoOOOO. Alright, since you talked me into it, check out this badass freestyle: Ey yo! My name is Tom. I like cheese and bees. I do your taxes and i cut down trees with axes, nigga! Did you like it? I personally thought it was amazing. Okay, no more messing around and listen to my story. I swear I'm very interesting.

This fancy school is filled with stuck up innocent people and I'm over here all like bad and impure. I felt like if I were to talk to any of those people I would corrupt their poor little minds. As you can imagine that's exactly what happened.

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