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The thunder was getting closer, and Meigan-4 glared at the darkening sky as she pulled her raincoat over her head. The sun had just set, and the edge of the moon would be just visible over the distant mountain range, if the entire horizon wasn't blocked out. Bright blue lightning struck not far off with a deep boom. Then, the clouds opened up. Her scowl deepened as she trudged around the edges of an empty field, overhanging tree limbs just barely protecting her from the storm. Wind howled around her, threatening to blow her hood off.

Soon, she came to an open highway, with the neon lights humming across the asphalt. The wide open space made her uneasy; it would be much easier for an Omni or regular highway guard to spot her. She expected that the raging lightning storm would distract any guards that might be out, and hoped there weren't any of the androids roaming about. As soon as a particularly large bolt of lightning touched down, she sprinted across the empty thoroughfare with grenade in hand, just in case.

Instantly, dozens of lasers were trained onto her, with a deep voice booming from somewhere in the cold darkness.

"Stop where you are. You are out beyond the set curfew, and Government has the right to arrest you. Put your hands above your head."

She instantly pulled the pin, but held the lever against the body. She held up her hands where it was fairly easy to see the pin and grenade separate.

"Show yourselves!" She yelled. "Or I swear to God I'll throw it! Move. Now!" She lifted one of her fingers slowly from the lever.

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