two ▼ a phone call

Start from the beginning

There was a lull between them as Juliet's thoughts raced. She was overcome by a wave of possibilities and curiosity and longing for change. Leaving her current life could mean so many things and she couldn't seem to fathom whether they were positive or not.

"Who would I be caring for?" She finally asked.

"His name is Tony Stark."

Juliet's decision had not been an easy one. She had overthought every possible variable, asking Pepper enough questions that she was surprised the offer wasn't retracted.

Everything checked out. Everything seemed to fall into place, right into Juliet's lap with a neat bow on top. That was possibly the most terrifying part of it all. It was too easy.

When she called her mom to ask what she thought, Juliet had been more than surprised by her response.

"I think you should take it," her mother had said, not a glimmer of doubt in her voice. "You were made for more than the routine life you're living and stepping away might be your first step to finding out what that is."

As Juliet packed her belongings into boxes and bags, she felt giddy and sick to her stomach all at once. She was going to live with a billionaire and a hero in order to help him. How was she to help such a successful and brave man?

The question embedded itself into her every thought as she boarded her plane from Utah to California. While she sat in her seat, staring out the window at the ground so far below, she told herself anything and everything she could think of that would calm her nerves with no luck. It was as if her brain was determined to remain in it's anxious state.

A man named Happy was waiting at the airport for her, holding up a sign with her name on it as his eyes contentedly scanned the airport around him.

"Your name is Happy?" She asked, unable to force down her curiosity.

"And your name is Juliet?" The man responded simply, as if his was a common name.

The ride to Mr. Stark's house seemed to take only a minute. Juliet couldn't help but try to take in everything about the new city in as they drove.

When the sleek black car they rode in stopped in front of the mansion, she had to make a conscious effort not to let her mouth drop open.

The massive building was situated at the edge of a cliff face overlooking the crystal blue ocean. Everything about the architecture was stunning, from the vibrant green grass that surrounded it to the way the tall glass windows caught the bright sun.

Happy appeared behind her with her bags in hand. He muttered a, "Well come on, then," as he moved past her to the front door.

Once inside the mansion, Juliet found herself moving unintentionally slow. Her head spun around as she tried to take in every aspect of her new home. Her stomach fluttered with excitement at every new discovery.

"Tony is in the lab," Happy said, gesturing as they passed a row of stairs that led downwards. "You can introduce yourself after I show you your room."

Juliet followed Happy up a staircase that spiraled up to the second floor of the mansion where her room was. It, much like the rest of the building, was stunning.

Putting down her bags in the corner of the room, Happy turned to face Juliet. He held out his large hand. She shook it, feeling her shoulder rattle at the earnest motion from the much bigger man.

"I look forward to working with you, Miss Ward."

She found herself alone in the room, lost in thought and unsure what to do first. Wringing her hands, she took a deep breath.

It was time to meet him.

Walking down the hall and stairs to the lab felt like it took an eternity. For years she had seen Iron Man on the news and the front of newspapers. She had wondered what it was like to be him, to carry such weight and responsibility. More than once she had wondered if it was too much for a single man. From what she had learned from Pepper, it was.

Since the invasion of New York, Tony's mental state had been exponentially deteriorating. He lost himself in his work and his worry, which in turn was beginning to effect him physically.

Juliet's job was to turn the process around. It seemed that nothing would stop him in his quest to protect the world from any threat that was posed against it. Pepper had hopes that Juliet could help him.

The idea seemed ridiculous; how was she to save a superhero?

The below ground lab was separated from the stairwell by a ceiling to floor glass wall. Through it Juliet could see piles of machinery and numerous robots going about different tasks. In the center of the lab, propped on a stool and lost deep in his work, sat Tony Stark.

His dark eyes drifted up to meet her's as she lightly tapped her finger on the glass. Juliet gave a little wave before he stood and opened the lab door for her.

"Juliet Ward?"

"That's me," she replied, allowing a nervous smile to curve her lips. "I was going to start unpacking, but I thought I would say hello first."

As she spoke, she took notice of the slump in Tony's shoulders, the exhaustion that was so painfully evident in his eyes. The lab behind him was a clutter of discarded experiments, furthering the image of his restlessness.  

Juliet felt a pang in her heart for him, the first of many.

updates from now on will be every tuesday. thank you for reading!

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