cool cool

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So I just got a "hate mail" pm'd to me.

A lot of it is v vulgar and I don't feel comfortable sharing it with u guys.

But it went along the lines of "you are a terrible person (which to be fair is true) that writes horrible stories (again true lol) and shouldn't deserve to live, you cunt"

First of all, bitch, in Australia we refer to that name as a name representing close friendship. And secondly, how bloody sad are you private messaging people basically telling them they're worthless. No one, EVER deserves that to be said to them, no matter how horrible they are. EVER.

Thankfully, I'm emotionally stable (mostly) so this doesn't impact me. But don't ever think, ever, this is acceptable to say to someone. How pathetic you must be to do that.

Anyway yay this was a v uplifting time for me.

(i do not know at the present how to block people on wattpad so im just gonna assume that the person that sent me this has seen this. good.)

Kay bye.


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