She nodded understandingly.

"I'm like you." she said quickly. "But now we must think like them and without blood, we will die."


I always landed in Harry's arms on the day. We just refused to sleep, and the only thing we did was to caress each other, kiss each other and do everything else than to have sex. Still, I got used. It was as if the old ways slowly disappeared in the fog. Yes, all my old life began to feel like a thing that happened long time ago. I was more in the present time, here and now. I worked in the office and as each day went by, I learned to listen. I eventually reached around the world and I could converse with those who were on the other side of the earth. I got praise as I so quickly put myself into their problems and I realized that I could really help.

I was never outside the walls and it became a habit. I realized that I had nothing outside to do. I no longer had to travel to find out things. I talked with telepathy and sometimes they sent over images how the world looked like. It was more exciting against to be normal mortal person. I realized that there were great opportunities on being a vampire and I got used to keep myself alive. The slaves were slaves and I saw those as animal that gave us food, so we survived. Yes, I was a bloodthirsty leader and I was good at it. The only person who kept me in myself was Harry. He was the only one that made me feel something, and he was the only one I showed trust.


Liam seemed more and more like he wanted  to be in my vicinity. He came with blood when I needed it and he made sure I was happy.

"You don't have to be my slave."

He laughed a little and he looked at me with an amused look.

"Let's say I like to help you."

I frowned.

"Just because I'm the leader or because I'm a vampire, or because you want me to suck up to you?"

He laughed. I hadn't yet learned to read minds, but that was nothing that interested me.

"Let me just make you happy!" he said cheerfully. "I like to satisfy."

I snorted.

"You know I don't get to have sex? You have reminded me so many times about that."

Liam held up his hand and he put his head askew.

"You let Harry throughout your body?"

I looked up from the papers and I become embarrassed.


He got come over to the desk.

"Let's say that I also are quite good at that part."

I frowned.

"I already have everything I want in Harry"

He sneezed.

"You don't know what you're missing if you don't test us?"

I swallowed.

"No thanks!"

I was surprised when Liam pulled out my chair from the desk. He sat down on his knees before me and he put his hands on my thighs.

"You can't deny your subjects this and I want to do it all..."

I would resist, but when he pulled up my dress it was as if the vampire in me wanted something different. He pulled off my panties and then he parted my legs. He pulled me out over the chair, and I sat at the byline. Liam stared in between my legs and then he looked content up on me.

"I know that you are a vampire and a vampire can't say no."

I lifted my legs over his shoulders and then slid his face down there. I gasped when I felt his lips against my clitoris. He then began to use his tongue. I grabbed the chair and I felt my body came to life. I closed my eyes and I chose to let him continue. I bit my lip hard, and I felt how he got me to spread your legs even more. I placed my feet on his shoulders so he had free access.

I groaned loudly and I took down my hands. I grabbed hold of Liam's head, and I brought my hips against him. I threw back my head and I was so close. He almost bit me with his fangs and he let his mouth rip me off on all sides and edges. I tried to bring up the hips higher, but he kept me down with his hands. I was so close that I lost control. I dropped everything that was me, and I let the vampire take over. I felt I also had my fangs to grow. My eyes saw everything and they changed the color to red. I let my nails grab him and I placed my feet on the desk. I screamed, but it wasn't my screams, it was a duller and more cold scream. I came and I almost tore his head without knowing it.

Liam kissed me softly and he let me get myself back from all this. I opened my eyes and I felt a complete harmony in the body. He raised his face and he smiled at me.

"Now you know that it doesn't have to be Harry who gives you everything. The rest of us are also needed, and you don't just need one man."

I didn't know what to say.

"I felt so...?"

He laughed and he kissed me down there again.

"Yes, you become the dark creature again, as takes what she wants and shits total in everything else. This is just the beginning for you."

I noted that it spilled blood in his hair and down his forehead. Liam raised his eyebrows.

"You drilled your nails in me but I heal quickly. It happens to everyone."

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