5 You Have Me

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"These are so fricking unbelievably good." Caitlin said, munching the last bit of the chimney cake.

"Do you want another?" Hunter grinned. He looked so good when he flashed his pearly whites. The ruggedly handsome features transformed into something softer, he looked boyish.

"You're so charming. Of course I want another." She licked her lips greedily.

Hunter laughed and walked towards the ice cream truck. Caitlin took in the scenery around her. She was enthralled by the rich blue hue of the sea. The sand was very soft, and light golden in colour, with pebbles and seashells scattered unevenly. Every now and then, a ray of sunlight touched a pebble, causing them to sparkle in many colours. Seagulls wandered aimlessly above the shore. There were many people at the beach, mostly families, but it was not entirely crowded. The pleasant, fresh summer breeze messed up her hair, but she didn't care.

He returned with two more chimney cakes, and offered her one. "Let us find a private spot, Cait." He said, taking her hand into his.

"What are you thinking about, Cait?" He smiled lazily as they moved away from the people.

"Well, I've always wanted to visit the Bahamas. This looks slightly better than it." She said, savouring the cake. "It feels like I'm on a vacation."

"Except you're having ice cream with your kidnapper in a beach." He drawled.

"Hey, you're the guy I'm in love with. Though you technically kidnapped me, I have not tried to run away. That doesn't make you a kidnapper." She smiled.

"Sometimes I wonder if something's wrong with your head." He smirked.

"My head is fine, Zoom." She rolled her eyes.

They seated on a bench, surrounded by bushes. The view was serene and amazing.

"Caitlin, how on earth do you still love me? Knowing what I am?" He looked into her eyes, sounding serious.

"You are a good man, Hunter. No matter how hard you try to deny it, you are not evil. We are humans. Humans are not perfect. We all make mistakes. That doesn't make us monsters." She touched his cheek, looking at him with her sincere eyes. "Don't you see, Hunter? You are realising that what you did was wrong. You regret some of your actions. What more proof do you need to admit that you have a heart?"

"You're a human. I'm a meta-human, in case you forgot." He said offhandedly. But his eyes said otherwise.

"You can't fool me, Hunter. You're a good man, and you're afraid to admit that out loud. Because that would make it real, and you're more comfortable pretending to be a villain." She smiled.

"I don't regret murdering those scumbags. I don't regret terrorizing them. I still do it, by the way." He growled. "Do you know how many meta-humans Wells unleashed on this city? Most of them are evil. What would an abusive douchebag do with his newly found super powers? Wells likes to blame the Flash, I mean my alter ego for all the things they do. Considering he created them, it makes him a hypocritical bastard. He has no regard for any one. I was surprised when I learnt that he actually loves his daughter." He said, disgustedly.

Caitlin's eyes widened. "Hunter Zolomon, is that one of the reasons why you wear that black suit?"

"What?" He looked shocked.

"You became the Flash first. You tried to stop the evil meta-humans. But they never stopped, did they? Then you experimented to increase your speed. You thought that could stop them. Your lightning turned blue. You became stronger and faster, but you were dying. You put on that black suit to frighten those metas! Cisco said something about you controlling all the metas. They weren't afraid of the Flash, but they were afraid of Zoom." She said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2016 ⏰

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