"Oh, you're awake." A deep voice from the shadows appears. The sound of steps makes Yoongi nervous and as the owner of the voice emerges from his previously hidden state a large gulp could be heard in the silence. "Min Yoongi, I have been waiting for you." With that the leader's face contorted into a sick, sadistic half smirk. "You know what to do boys." The man turns away again waving to indicate that the young boy was all theirs. A large group of males edged their way towards him, almost hesitantly, as if they were still unsure of what the boss had said. "I'M NOT GONNA LET YOU DUMBASSES STAND THERE ANY LONGER AND GAWK AT HIM! IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW, I MEANT BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF HIM!" The voice from the shadows booms and the group that had slowly surrounded Yoongi shook their heads as if awakening themselves from a daze before moving in on the boy quickly. He didn't even have time to prepare himself for what was to come before the first punch was thrown, it hit his cheek square on and that started the cascade of fists and feet. After what felt like ages there was a rough but familiar pair of hands on his shoulders pulling him up off of the ground, the next thing Yoongi knew he was being stabbed in the arm with an ominous liquid being pushed in by one he used to call a friend. Kim Wonshik. It baffled Yoongi how even though Wonshik (Or Ravi as the gang called him) was only a month or so older than him, he had all this respect and power. His vision is starting to go hazy and his limbs feel heavy but the hands holding him up were still firmly on his shoulders. The beating resumed but this time rather than it being punches and kicks to his arms legs and head it was lets see how much pressure we can put his torso under before it collapses, Yoongi was pretty sure they were close to finding out. The once faint sound of sirens becoming louder startles Yoongi but he tries to not let that show for fear of what the group would do to him if they thought he was scared. He doesn't know what's coming over him when his eyelids start to droop, the sound of sirens getting ever louder but still not loud enough for the group to hear. The last thing Yoongi remembers is lights and voices and then black.

Yoongi starts coming too, eyelids fluttering but all he can see is white. It confuses him, the brightness of the surroundings so drastically different to the darkness of the alleys and roads that he would always roam. He can barely recognise the fact that there is a voice talking to him before his eyes clamp shut and his head falls back, once again sending him into a deep slumber. He sturrs again a few hours later and to his surprise when his eyes ease open he is greated by the concerned face of an unfamiliar man. "Oh, you're awake." a soft voice speaks and Yoongi swears the entirety of his body tenses up at the words, with a gentle hand on his shoulder he slowly calms down. "I'm sorry for that, my name is Jung Taekwoon and I'll be taking care of you during your stay here. I know this may be a little hard to process for now but I need to ask you a few questions to make sure that what happened didn't affect your brain." Blinking a few times to get used to the brightness of the walls around him, Yoongi pushes himself up on his elbows, ignoring the strange look Taekwoon gives him at the sudden movement.

"O...Okay, go a-ahead" His voice was shaky and barely there but obviously it was enough for the other as he asked the first question

"What is your name?"

"Min Y-Yoongi." The way his voice sounded still surprised Yoongi he was used to it being rough but never like this.

"How old are you Yoongi?" The questions continued,

"12," He answers without thinking but honestly he doesn't know. He lost track of years and even sometimes days and his age had never really bothered him.

"Why were you in that alleyway yesterday?" Yoongi had been expecting questions about parents, home-life, his address maybe but not this.

"I-I-I was just trying to get some extra sleep before I headed to my next campout, I didn't know it was his turf." He answers unsure if his memories where reliable, he assumes they are but honestly as they are a little hazy he doesn't want to sound too sure of himself. He can feel his heart starting to race and this breathing is quickening. A few images flash past his eyes and his head starts to throb but the kindly doctor lay his hand on the boy's shoulder comfortingly.

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