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"Vitals are rising, no abnormalities."

"Good. Prep and wipe, you have six hours before debriefing. I'm sending the soldier in. This subject is known for causing... Complications."

The general exited the room, leaving the remaining two men to dwell in front of the Cryostasis Chamber, watching its inhabitant for signs of life. Defrosting took time, the ice covering the skin of the subject already shifting into water, dripping onto the stone floor. This particular weapon hadn't been utilized in over eight years, the need having finally arisen.





The men looked up, startled. The subject was awake, unfocused eyes drowsily opening and closing. Without a word, the two men -scientists- urged the semiconscious weapon out of its cryo chamber, supporting the weight between them. They weren't prepared for its left elbow to haul back and catch one of them in the face. The man let out a hoarse scream, the other let go.

HYDRA's second subject of the Winter Soldier Program fell to its knees, the echo of footsteps at the entrance to the small room revealing its first.

"Soldier, take her to the chamber"

The second did not put up a fight, patched memory revealing the identity of the assassin as an ally. He easily hauled her up, steeled expression not giving any hint of recognition as both soldiers traveled through the cement hallways of HYDRA's base. 

But he knew her.

She knew where she was, knew who he was. But didn't recall her own identity. Bits and pieces, of different times and places, were beginning to trickle in, but nothing solid. The effects of cryostasis were still wearing off, beads of water plastering the subjects long hair to her scarred skin. One arm was strung over the Winter Soldier's shoulders. His non-metal arm was around her torso, harshly gripping her skin. A match to his cybernetic arm hung limp at her right side. She couldn't remember how she acquired it. Did she always have a metal arm?

"Soldier," A strong voice called, speaking in Russian. They all have been speaking in Russian, the subject hadn't processed this, only translated. She did not know this man, but the badges he bore indicated a general. He motioned for her to have a seat.

She knew this room.

It was enormous, housing a few more cryostasis chambers than she had known to exist. In the middle of all the chambers, each of them empty, was a steel chair. She knew what that was, too.

Strong hands pushed her into it, even more locking her arms and legs to the seat. The Winter Soldier stepped back and, with one glance from the general, positioned himself near the door. She missed his uneasy look.

The machine around her hummed to life, metal appendages lowering down to cover parts of her face and head. She knew what this was, even with her thought process still not fully functional. A tremble went down her spine. Fear manifested itself, deep within her core. Already, she could hear the buzzing of electricity. It sounded like a hoard of bees. A mouth guard was offered to her.

Pain blossomed fast, as it always did. Electricity coursed through her blood, throughout her body. Her head became a jumbled mess, everything being flushed out. The subject screamed into the guard, tensing up, any sound she produced muffled. Veins bulged out of her neck and arm, a vain hope convincing her she could break free. Jerks ran through her body, causing little convulses. The restraints held up against the arm of flesh, digging into the skin, the metal one still uselessly limp. There was no escape.

It wasn't determined how long she'd been in there, but after what felt like a couple hours -when it was only fifteen minutes- it was done. It wasn't like there was much present in the subjects head in the first place. The second soldier was left in the chair as the humming died down, the machine revolving around her back to its resting place. Sweat replaced the water that had been on her taunt skin, chest heaving with harsh breaths. She spit out the mouth guard, gasping for air. Spasms continued to radiate through her diaphragm, but otherwise she was still.


She kept her gaze forward, catching the Winter Soldier shift and step closer out of the corner of her eye. Cautious of her. How she would react. Her head twitched.

"Opaque. Five. Steel"

Things began to click within her -protocols, training, HYDRA- as the general continued to read off words from a red booklet in his possession, a black star was etched into the cover. Everything started to clear up.

"Concussion. Three. Evanesce"

The restraints on her arms and legs released her, but she remained seated and staring straight ahead. There was no fight present in her body. Not now. They were her allies.

"Unwanted. Nineteen. Frostbite"

The female looked up, wet hair shifting from around her face as her eyes, harsh and cold, yet empty, focused on the generals face. Her memory was extinguished, as it has been for fifteen years, and her training reactivated. They'd built back up the weapon they craved, filling her vacant mind with what they wanted her to remember. An empty shell once again, carved to execute what was needed.


He was talking to her, she was a soldier. A Winter Soldier. But not the Winter Soldier. She still wasn't sure what she was. Not yet.

"Ready to comply"

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