Chapter 4

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Sang POV

I wake up smothered between Nathan and Victor, with an outrageous need to pee. They are both facing me with one arm each around my stomach, one low and one high. I try to wiggle out without waking them up but have no success. I weigh my options on who will be easier to wake. I try Victor first by placing my hand on his chest and rubbing while saying his name, he doesn't move. I try Nathan the same way with no results. By this time, I really need to go so I place a hand on each chest and push. I must have startled them because the both fling themselves away from me and fall off the bed causing a huge bang. They jump up and look at me wondering if something is wrong. I can't help but laugh. Especially when the door slams open and seven men pile in my room like it is on fire.

"What is wrong?" Kota asks while rubbing sleep from his eyes.

"She pushed us off the bed." Nathan says while pointing at me.

I laugh harder at his pout, "I had to pee and you guys wouldn't move."

Saying that I jumped up and ran in the bathroom to the boys laughing behind me.

After breakfast Luke declared that he had to go to the little store down the road for something but wouldn't say what. We decided that a walk would be nice, so everyone went with him. It was a beautiful day. Chilly but not cold. We took our time walking down, laughing and joking the whole way.

"Hey Peanut, do you want a piggy back ride?"

"Sure Honey." I get behind Nathan and Kota helps me to jump on his back.

"Be careful. Don't drop her." North yelled from behind us.

We just rolled our eyes and kept walking. Luke started to do cartwheels and flips in the road. He then challenged Gabriel to a flip contest. I was laughing and cheering them on when Meanie did a flip wrong and landed on his back. I gasped and jumped off Nathan's back.

"Meanie are you ok?" I rush to him and drop to my knees and lean over him.

"Have I died and gone to heaven?"

"No. Why?"

"Because there is an angel kneeling over me."

I sighed and give him a quick kiss.

"Hey she's Aggele Mou."

"I know she is your angel fucker but with the sun behind her like that she really did look like an angel."

"You are so sweet Meanie."

We make it to the store and go in to look around.

"Luke you are back." A little old lady came waddling around the counter and enveloped Luke in a hug.

"Hi Mrs. Lucky. How have you been? How is Mr. Lucky doing?"

"We are doing great my dear. How have you boys been? I have missed seeing you."

"We are great. Mrs. Lucky I would like you to meet Sang, our girlfriend."

I blush because he introduced me as their girlfriend.

"Oh that is wonderful. Come here dear let me see you. Oh you are darling. I am so happy that you boys have found someone."

I look at Owen and he tells me. "Mrs. Lucky is Liam's Mother, from the Anderson team."

No wonder she was ok with our relationship.

"Hello, Mrs. Lucky it is nice to meet you." I held my hand out to shake hers. She was friendly and I got a good vibe from her. She smelled like peppermint. Very calming.

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