Play park

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~Esme's POV~
I woke up with daddy's arms wrapped tightly around my waist but I needed to go to the toilet. "Eeekk" I quietly whined whilst trying to free myself from his cage like grip. "Damn daddy you too strong for me" I said a little too loud, daddy started to stir and eventually woke up. Finally free I ran into the ensuite and did my business, washed my hands and returned to daddy's bed. I sat at the end of the bed on my knees facing daddy, who was now awake and staring at me. "Daddy me sowwy I woke you ups. I needed to go potty and I couldn't get out of your arms" I pouted and looked down at the bed sheets. I felt my chin being lifted up, "don't you worry your pretty little head, I have to be awake when you are anyway, or else who would be making you yummy breakfast?" He kissed my cheek and put the loose strand of hair behind my ear. "Otay daddy will you play with me now?" I gave my biggest smile hoping he'd say yes. "No princess". "Ohhhh why not?" I whined, I wanted to play. "Because I have a fun day planned. "

~Robbie POV~
We walked down into the kitchen where I helped her into her chair and pushed her in. Handing her a stitch bowl with lucky charms and her sippy cup with some apple juice. I sat down eating my toast when Essy asked "daddy what do you have planned today?" "Well baby it was meant to be a secret but look at that pretty face" she blushed. "we are going to a park with other littles and their caregivers" she smiled at me. "Daddy daddy may I please wear my new rainbow tutu!!" She virtually screamed. "Yes princess and you'll look lovely" I laughed at her excitement.

She dragged me to her room "daddy please help me chose a top and some shoes pleasssse" I smiled. "Okay princess how about the white top with the cloud puking rainbows to match your tutu?" "Yes daddy yes and my black boots?" She smiled "no princess I think this outfit would look great with these" I said loudly as I walked to my bedroom picking up a box I just had delivered. I waked back into her room with the box in hand. "Daddy what's in that box?" She questioned looking puzzled. "Well how about you open it up and see" she smiled and ripped the box open as her eyes opened wide. "You got me vans daddy? And in my fravourite colour" I nodded and smiled at the way she had said favourite, such a cutie. "Hey baby how about I put your hair into a braid for you with this bow" she smiled. " Otay daddy let me get dressed first, turn around please?" "Okay baby" I turned around giving her the privacy she wanted.

"I finished daddy!" She shouted and I turned around. "Wow" oh no I said that out loud. "Thankies daddy, you do my hair now, please?" I nodded and patted my lap. I already had coloured hair bands on my wrist so I'm prepared for when I need to pull her hair out of her face. She sat on my lap and I braided it into a French side braid. I clipped in the rainbow bow and picked her up and put her on the floor. "Put these socks on with your shoes okay daddy's just going to get dressed" I handed her the white frilly socks. I just put on some skinny black jeans and a shirt rolled up at the sleeves.

I heard a knock on my bedroom door as I finished getting ready "come in" in walked the most beautiful rainbow princess her tutu bouncing as she walked. "Are you ready to go to the park now princess?" She nodded enthusiastically.

~about a"half an hour later~
~Esme's POV~

We finally arrived at the park and from what I could see from the car window it was huge. Daddy opened my door for me and unbuckled me from my seat. "Are you okay princess you look stunned?" I nodded quickly "mhm, yes daddy it just looks so big!" I whispered making sure not to shout, I know daddy says inside voice but that's really hard. "Oh you don't need to worry about that hunnie, daddy will be there with you." Eeekkk I love when daddy calls himself daddy it's so cute. I blushed at the thought, it kinda makes me tingly.

I held tightly onto daddies hand as we walked through the huge gates and into the park. It was not as busy as I thought it would be but there were lots of couples around. "Oh daddy this place looks so fun" I smiled and daddy patted my head "where to first princess, do you want to play or go on the boats on the lake or just sit down on the grass?" I shrugged my shoulders I didn't know what I wanted to do first. "I think you should go over there and play" daddy pointed to the big playground filled with who I'm guessing are littles and some caregivers. "Otay daddy! Will you play with me or you sitting here?" I asked hoping he'd say he'd play with me but nope. "I'm going to go sit on that bench baby, is that okay?" He pointed to a bench close the the entrance of the play area and I nodded. Leaving daddy I ran to the entrance to go play, swings are my favourite so I hope they are free.

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