My Love is Great

183 7 2
  • Dedicated to Airon

My heart is full.  

My love is great.

Thoughts of happiness fill me.

The future to come is anyone’s guess.

I cannot contain the love I feel for you.

You are beautiful, special.

The greatest accomplishment I could ever make. 

My life was incomplete without you.

I would do anything for you.

My heart is shattered.  

My heart cries.

Tears flow and are impossible to stop.

I blame myself.

There is no one else.

My greatest wishes for you may not come true.

Daily life is hard.

We struggle.

No voice frustrates you.

A beautiful joy like no other.

I would never choose to replace you.

Tears of joy for your accomplishments.

Love and wonder fill me.

I watch you grow everyday.

Nothing as wonderful could have been given to me.

My heart is full.

My love is great.

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