Double the Trouble ; chapter 5

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Hey! Sorry for not updating yesterday, I had to write a paper for school and I had loads of Maths homework, but here's a new chapter for you! I hope you enjoy :D *

As you promised Wilford you two are going to do it , you two did it. But of course your life  can't go smooth, so Dark comes home. You hear him entering the house, so you quickly pull on your clothes, but not in time, so as you are pulling on your jeans Dark comes into the living room.

"What do you think you two are doing?!" Dark yells. You see how angry he is, so you immediatly realise how wrong all of this is, but you love them both, and for God's sake, how are you supposed to choose between them?!

"We did the same thing, Dark!" you yell at him back. Apparently Wilford noticed how angry Dark was too, so he backed you up "Just stop, Dark!"

"Why should I!? This bich is with some other guy!"

Your eyes filled with tears. You knew what you did wasn't right, but he could at least listen to you and try to understand. The guys noticed you became teary-eyed.

"Oh, God, (Y/N). I didn't mean it. I-" Dark tried to comfort you, but Wilford cut him off. "Dark, shut the fuck up! Look what you did!"

You ran to your room, loocked the door and Dark and Wilford, both, tried to come after you, but Wilford punched Dark hard in the jaw, so he passed out.

He walked to your door and knocked. "(Y/N)? Are you okay?"

"I've been better" you say and open the door for him.

"Are you really okay?" Wilford asked you as he embraced you.

"Yes, I am. It's just that Dark-. I'm sorry, I really am okay." You say and smile shyly.

"Okay, just checking."

As you calmed down you asked Wilford "Can you drive me to an inteview?"

"What kind of interview?" he asks you.

"For work. Journalism."

"Wait. You too? That's great. We could work together!" Wilfor said, overjoyed.

*Hoped you liked the chapter! See you next time! Bye :D!*

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