the host for the venom

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A disgraced ex-reporter eddie brock blamed spiderman for ruining his career by revealing brock's error in identifying the wrong man as the sin-eater. Then stricken with cancer, he was about kill himself when the simbiote venom bonded with him and put his disease into remission. Angry at spiderman for spoiling his career, the simbiote urged eddie to take revenge on spiderman,and the pair set out to do just that. Armed with the knowledge of the secret identity of spiderman....and being hidden from spiderman's spider sense, he attacked spiderman in brode daylight. Then SLAMMM spiderman got wiped at the ground hard leaving a huge spiderman shaped indent in the street. At that point Spiderman got grabbed and slammed hard on the road back and forth and back forth in the street

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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