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Mr. Welch said my name??? Like on the real? And I'm not dreaming? I touched my hairline. Yep, it's still not there. It must be for really!

"Or is it Tia?" he says in his not homosexual at all mating call of a voice.

"Umm...Yes...Sir?" I manage to stumble over every word in my short rambling that could barely be called a sentence. 

He reached into a pocket on his cheap $.12 suit (I know 'cause he bought it from me.) and pulled out a dollar bill and proceeded to throw it at me.

"UMMM...WHAT?" Was all I could say, I mean...That's not exactly regular behaviour but my Mr. Welch is no regular or sane man, which is why he bae. 

He dug deeper into his pocket and I saw it.

There in his pocket was...

My lost hairline!

I was soo shocked!! After all this time I'd thought I'd never see it again. My family said it was stolen from me by the fire nation when I was a baby. 

Upon further inspection, it was clearly Ali's but she wasn't meant to have it. I was. Maybe then bae will love me?

He dug even deeper and I then remembered that I made the suit only pockets. I had to because where else is he gonna keep his pencil nubs and oranges...And his and my hairlines...

The last item he pulled out was a scroll and upon it was ancient writings, I assumed.

"It is within this prophecy that my mate shall be the only person I can speak to normally and as you can see you're it..." 

>>>>In b4 ''wtf''

"To become my true mate, though, you have to go through the Trails of Love & Terror A.K.A Proveil or Die." 

He looked serious and I'd do anything for my man.


He handed me the scroll and I grabbed it. It was rough as  the letters were carved into it.

He opened his mouth and started chanting "THE HA THERE. THE HA THERE." over and over again. Suddenly I was transported to Welchland... 

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