.The Regretted Decision

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A mate, someone youre destined to be with, someone who's supposed to love you unconditionally. A mate is a person that puts you before anyone else in the world, a more common word for humans is a soulmate. But for werewolves its stronger than that, its physically painful to not be with them. I never thought I would get over that pain. 

My name is Lyssa Nicole im 21 and I'm a werewolf one of the strongest actually. Although it wasnt always like this there was a time where I was the weakest link. It all started when I was 16.

My parents died protecting me from rouges, heartless lone wolves that have no morals, I lost everything that day. After becoming an orphan I was sentenced to living in the attic and becoming the packs reject. They claimed I was the reason my beloved parents were dead which I guess is true...

*beep* *beep* *beep

I quickly hit my alarm clock before anyone could hear. I used to think nobody could until one day I had the beta standing over me yelling about turning the darn thing off. Since then I've tried my best to keep from a rude awakening.

I plopped out of my hammock that I made, my alpha, the leader of the pack,  didn't think I was worthy of a bed so I dealt with what I had. I walked over to the bathroom and threw my dull brown hair in a ponytail and put on the t shirt and pants that I was given, they were a bit large but the t shirt matched my green eyes which was a bonus I guess .

I slipped on my beat up converse and ran downstairs to make breakfast for the pack, sneaking as much as possible before everyone gets up. Finally finishing the eggs, pancakes, and bacon and setting the table. I walked into the kitchen sitting down. Listening to everyone eat and talk and laugh just made me feel sick inside. Sick that I couldn't stand up for myself and become an equal.

After awhile I heard silence so I went to take the dishes to the kitchen to be cleaned. An hour later the bulk of dishes had been washed, dried and put away, I heaved a huge sigh and checked my watch. Holy crap i was late. I ran to my room,grabbed my bag, and headed to school.

By the time I arrived I was 3 minutes late for second period so I ran to the room and got to my seat unnoticed, since everyone is late to that class anyways there was no one there to call me out on my tardiness.

While everyone was coming in I smelled the most delicious scent ever it was somewhat a mix of vanilla and cinnamon. A weird combination but perfect nevertheless. I looked through the crowd and seen.. HIM the alphas son, the player, the one that every girl wants and every guy wants to be.. I never really talked to him before or seen how marvelous he was, the way he swept his hand in his soft silky blonde-brownish hair and his sexy blue eyes with spots of green in the middle. I looked in his eyes and whispered mate everyone was talking so no one heard but unfortunately he did, he took his seat and didn't look back or even acknowledge I was there, maybe I was wrong and he didn't hear me, I decided I should confront him after class but as soon as the bell rang he left like his seat was on fire.

After 3rd period I went to the lunch room. I seen the only friend I had sitting at a table. "Hey stace" I chirped. "Whats up ?" she popped the p "So, I gotta tell you something.. but you cant tell anyone" i said hesitantly. "Yea sure, what is it?" She asked as she took a bite of her apple. I took a deep breath "Umm,so Chase Davis is my mate".  Stacy stared at me for a second before she started laughing hysterically. After silently watching her cackle for 2 minutes straight  she looked at me and stopped " Wait, your serious?" She whispered. I nodded "how do you know?" She mumbled bringing her head closer "I can just feel it, like its.. I don't know I can't explain it, i just know, you know ?" "I guess, does he know, have you told him?" She asked. "No, im so scared he'll reject me stace I mean im not pretty" "Dude just go for it, he's gotta love you,  I mean if he's your mate and all, he's got to" she said reassuringly. I smiled "Yea, you're right,thanks stace." After that we ate in silence.

All day he was missing i didn't see him anywhere. He wasnt in class or in the hallways. As the last bell rang I walked out of English and wandered the halls trying to find him. With no such luck I started walking home.

The whole way there I couldn't stop smiling. I could already see it, me running up to him and him twirling me around in his arms, kissing me passionately and seeing so much love in his eyes. I could already see our lives together, going on dates and smiling and laughing and holding hands.  I couldn't wait to have happily ever after, its been my dream since I can remember where I could be a princess, and have my very own prince. I could finally stop living as the pack reject and be worth something to someone. I envisioned him waiting at the house with a bouquet of flowers for me, ready to tell me how happy he is to finally have me. I wanted to cry from how excited I was right now, but I don't  want to have puffy eyes when I see him. 

"Okay just calm down, Lyssa" I whispered to myself I slowed my pace and breathed. 5 minutes later I was coming up the driveway of the pack house which is more like mansion than anything. There he was on the deck swing I smiled and walked towards him. As I got closer I realized he wasn't smiling, he wasn't smiling at all. As he spoke I could hear anger in his voice "We need to talk"

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