Role Models

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Role models. The people you look up to when you're going through a tough time. The ones who give you inspiration in the darkest of moments. They're the ones who shape who you are. It could be anybody. Your older sister. A teacher. Your best friend. Anyone that makes you want to be better. To grow.

I've a couple. My sister is actually my biggest one. I looked up to her when she went through so much. High school. Relationships. Being in the military. She has a lot on her plate. But she got through the toughest parts with family and friends. She is like a mini Mom. Always making sure I did good in school. Always tries to get in my love life (which is really embarrassing). She wants me to succeed. I envy her in a way. The way she handles situations. She's a really good problem solver. And has a big heart. She inspires me to be the nice stranger that helps others out of pure love.

My best friend's pretty legit if I say so myself. She's literally apart of my family because my mom sorta "adopted" her. Not really. But she is still family. Anyway. Her being older than me means she has more wisdom than I will ever have. So I go to her with my problems. Also a pretty good problem solver. Besides my sister, I probably trust her more than anyone cause she's been there for me. I look up to her too. The age factor and her being a lot smarter than I am. I wanna be smart. Make good choices. Be able to adult and not die in the real world. And I wanna be able to help people like she does. Be the one anyone can talk to.

Being a role model is probably one of the best things you can do for a person. Make them feel loved. Let them try to be like you. Teach them the ways. Give them hope.

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