I pulled the bathroom door open and ran smack into Niall as he headed towards his bedroom. He put his hands on my shoulders as I wavered a bit from the force of the blow,

"Whoa....sorry bout that, Em. Came lookin' for ya....someone said they saw ya come down this way."

I nodded as I straightened my shirt out,

"Was just using the toilet."

He studied me for a few moments. I could tell he was slightly drunk, but Niall could hold his liquor better than anyone I knew. He could've been three sheets to the wind and I never would've known it. He put his hand on my shoulder and gestured to the bedroom,

"C'mon....let's go talk."

I followed him reluctantly. Great, more talking. Just what I didn't want to do.

He closed the door when I walked in, muffling the music a bit. He set down his cup on the dresser and focused on me,

"Did ya think about talkin' to Harry some more?"

I nodded,

"Yes...it's all I think about."


I shrugged,

"And I don't know. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to tell him. I don't know how to start the conversation. I don't know how to get him to stop looking at me like he wants to throw me off a cliff. I don't know...I don't know...." I repeated as I turned away. Niall quickly pulled me into his arms.

I laid my head against his chest and took a few deep breaths. Niall sighed,

"Em, he doesn't hate ya. He's just....all twisted up. He thinks he knows everythin' and he really doesn't know anythin'. Ya just gotta get him to listen to ya."

I pulled away. Getting him to listen to me was a lot harder than Niall was making it out to be. I turned towards the window and folded my arms over my chest as I stared out,

"I don't even know how to get my 4 year old child to listen to me much less an international pop star who thinks I've lied to him for our entire relationship even though I have, just not about what he thinks I lied to him about."

Niall pulled his eyebrows together in confusion,


I closed my eyes and waved my hand,

"Nothing. It made sense in my head." I turned to look at Niall, "What if I tell him....and he goes after me for custody?" I whispered.

The thought had entered my head. Along with a million other scenarios that were a possibility. Would he explode and start screaming about me about lying to him? That was unlikely. In my entire 5 years of knowing him I don't think I'd ever heard him yell....unless he was doing it jokingly.

Would he cry? Fall to his knees and weep? Also unlikely. Harry was an emotional guy but he wasn't a crybaby.

Would he tell me I was a horrible human being? Damn me to hell for keeping him from his little girl? Lament all the things he'd missed out on because of my lies? Tell me he was going to take her away from me?

That was a much more likely scenario. Only because it's what I would have expected from any man in his position.

Niall shook his head,

"He wouldn't do that. He's not a vindictive kinda guy, Em. Ya know that."

I sighed,

"Anyone can get vindictive if the offense is egregious enough." I responded softly.

Until I Find You Again // Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now