Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 5)

Start from the beginning

"Oh... Of course."

Bray went to the entrance area where he came in and made the payment. The medical worker talked to Carlie.

"Well... You are one of our fastest cases of anyone that has left here. Getting to leave, and you haven't even been here for a full twenty four hours yet. Of course there seems to have been some kind of mistake and you weren't really supposed to be here to begin with. So... Gather up your things and we'll get you checked out."

Carlie had to wear the white patient gown when she went to see the therapist. All Carlie had was the clothes she came in the night before. The medical worker walked her to Bray as he was signing the last of the paper work. He smiled when he saw her and hugged her to make it more believable.

"Hey Carlie... I bet you're surprised to see me."

"I sure am! You're here to take me home?"

"I am... I just paid a payment for your release and signed the paperwork. We can leave now. Come on... Come with me."

Carlie walked out of the building first, then Bray led her to a truck. They wanted to make sure that no one was watching, and that no one heard them. Luke, Erick, and Braun all traveled together so it was just Bray. In any other situation, her mind would be screaming danger, do not leave with someone you don't know, but Carlie did know Bray, she could trust him. He cranked up the truck and they drove off. She didn't know where they were going, but she didn't care, anywhere was better than there. Once they drove off and were out of sight and sure that no one could hear them Carlie started talking to him.

"Thank you so much Bray. I was really surprised that you showed up. I didn't think that I would ever see you again."

"I said we would see each other again."

"I just didn't think you meant it."

"Of course I did... When I make a promise to someone... I keep it. It just so happened that I overheard your mom say that she was taking you to a therapist in Dallas. What I don't understand is why you left with her. Are you not a grown woman?"

"I am... I just don't know what to do. I don't have anywhere to go or anyone to turn to. I thought... If I went to therapy and got help, I would still have a place to call home once they got me out. Then I realized... They must have had this planned out for a while, something told me that they weren't coming back. If I may ask... Where are we going?"

"We are going to the next town for Smackdown. If I remember correctly... You did say that you wanted to join us. That offer is still available if you want it. I realize that all you have ever known is your family, and it may be hard for you since they left you. It may seem like you have nowhere to go and no one to turn to, but you are welcome to stay with me and my brothers... We will protect you and take care of you if that is what you want. I would like for you to be part of The Wyatt Family."

"Oh wow... This is amazing. I just have to wonder though... Out of anyone you could have picked, why did you choose me?"

"To be honest with you... It is because I feel connected to you somehow. I feel like I know you."

"Actually... We were having a conversation about that before my mom interrupted. I don't know if you believe me or not, but I've always had dreams about you and the other members of The Wyatt Family even before you guys came to WWE."

"Ok... Do you remember these dreams?"

"I do... I have them all the time, but while I was back there... One thing they did was shock therapy and something clicked in my head. I don't know if you will believe me... But I think what I'm experiencing are memories... Not dreams. It always happens when I'm asleep. Every time I'm asleep... You and everyone else would call me Abigail... And I would respond to Abigail. One thing I know that happened... When I was six years old... My parents were in a car accident... Or maybe it wasn't me at all... I saw it... I saw the soul of the six year old girl leave this body... She died. The shock therapy I think actually helped me remember who I am... One thing I remember was being at school and you and Erick were best friends. At the time, Luke and Braun were the bullies in school, but Luke had a crush on me. I knew about it and so I kissed him. This fooled him because then I punched him in the face. You don't mess with my brother. This may be something you know... You talk about Sister Abigail like she is no longer living... She did die, it was a tragic death... She was raped and killed."

Bray was in shock at this because he had never told anyone, not even Luke, Erick, or Braun. He still continued to listen.

"You probably just think that I am some crazy obsessed fan of yours... That's what I thought at first too, but the reason why we feel so connected to each other is because we do know each other... It wasn't long that I died that the accident took place, my soul was wandering the earth and the little girl had died. Her soul went to heaven, but for whatever reason... My soul made it's way to the lifeless girl. My parents... Or the people I thought were my parents... Their little girl had died and I took her place. Before I died... I was five years older than you. The little girl was six and you were thirteen at the time... You are now seven years older than me. I've just been called Carlie for so long, but now I realize that my real name is Abigail... Bray... I am alive, and I remember everything. You are my brother."

She then sat quietly... She wasn't sure if Bray would believe her.

(To be continued. I hope that everyone enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for reading. Review.)

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