the beginning of my end

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i should've known something was wrong. i had a weak stomach all day. not weak enough to vomit but weak like the feeling i get when something is bad enough for my mom to start a really big argument. i just get a feeling in my gut, so original right? no? that's what I thought. anyway i decided to go to the park after dark so i could see the stars i didnt want to ask my mom for a ride so i told her were i was going and  i started walking to the park. it was only a few blocks away from my house  i sit down on the swings and pull out my phone my friend Jenna texted me 

Jenna: whats up?

me:at the park

Jenna : i'll come there


Jenna : cuz i wanna hang out... and my brother is here w/ his gf 

me: awkward OK fine 

me: when will you get here

Jenna: mmmmm few minutes 

me: hurry hurry 

a few minutes past no Jenna. a few more minutes past , still no Jenna. finally an hour went by and i tilted my head down to look at the bright screen of my phone  when i heard a car door close  i looked up and in that split second where my eyes were still adjusting to the darkness I see a figure in the darkness a human figure of course  i get up and walk toward it assuming it was Jenna as i walk closer and my eyes get more and more used to the darkness i see that this figure looks more masculine and nothing like jenna  she has a slim and full shape while this figure was taller then jenna was and had a thicker body it  wasn't fat but it was a bigger size then jenna as i got even closer i still didn't recognize the person  now i could tell it was a man and he started to walk closer to me then he sped up into more of a jog and kept increasing speed. i hadn't even realized i was running just as fast except the opposite direction then i was before, as soon as i realized this i focused on running even faster i was so focused i didn't even see the bottom of the slide in front of me i tripped over it and did something like a flip as i fell to the hard rocky ground of the playground. i hit my head on something i couldn't tell what it was, i turned my head to see but all i saw was the man coming to a halt above me he took a needle out of a small case. he must have been carrying with him it suddenly I felt a small pain as he injected the needle into my skin then he got so close to my face that I could smell something like rancid pork chop on his breath them as I stared scared into his face there became two no wait...three of him zooming back and forth then my eyelids got so heavy I thought it was probably from all that running finally I couldn't hold it any longer and I passed out

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