"It must be a mistake I didn't even apply." 

Mom pressed her lips together while taking the corn out of the basket. "You applied for me." I sighed. Turning the envelope over I saw that she had already opened it. "And you read the letter for me too."

"You've been accepted and you are going."

"So I have no choice in the matter. I don't want to go I'm human I'll stick out like a sore thumb there, plus you are always telling me to keep my purple eyes covered what if I lose my contacts while I'm there what will I do then?" 

Mom reached under then counter then tossed a small box into my hand."Already got you covered, I had your Father go into town and buy you a new pair just in case you lost the old ones." 

"How long have you had this letter?"

"...3 days......You are going to need plenty of rest tonight you are leaving bright and early tomorrow morning. I already picked out the best dress you have so you can look nice." 

"Whatever happened to free will." I grumbled crossing my arms over my chest. 

"One month."

"What?" confused I looked up from the floor at Mom. 

"One month. Just go there and if after a month you still don't like it you can come home I promise.Deal?"

I sighed then nodded."Deal."

"That's my girl,take this down to the diner for me please Blue needs some more corn. Tell her it's a gift and refuse the money if she offers it to you." Mom ordered.  I nodded walking over to the counter managing to grab a dish cloth and put half a loaf of bread in it and stuff it in my bag while her back was turned. Mom smiled turning around handing me the basket full of freshly washed corn cobs.  

"Be back before dark.I'm making your favorite dinner baked potatoes and steak." 

"Will do." I gave her a warm smile heading out the door  down the dirt road making my way into town.I made a turn going down a small hill into the forest walking over to the small cabin to anyone else this would have looked abandoned and inhabitable but it made do for Danny and his little sister Ashley. I knocked on the door twice pausing in between knocks to let them know it was me. The door opened Ashley moved a side letting me in closing the door behind me. A full sized mattress was pushed in the corner of the cabin  some candles sat in the window sill melting down the wall. There was several stacks of books piled high against the wall across from the bed a small table next to it that held their silverware and plates a barely working stove sat right next to that. Danny sat in a deflated bean bag chair in the farthest corner away from the door trying to make the tv work.

I hugged Ashley before making my way over to Danny."Hey." When he looked up at me his steel blue eyes softened he gave me a warm smile.

He tucked his dark brown shoulder length hair behind his ears before standing up giving me a hug. "Hey." 

Once he let go of me I took the half loaf of bread out of the bag handing it to him. "You might want to make it last it'll be the last you'll get for a while." 

"If you are running low on bread then take this back keep it for your family me and Ashley can manage." 

"No no it's not that,you can keep the bread and take some corn too. I grabbed several corn cobs from the basket handing them to him and he passed them off to Ashley who quickly went to start cooking them. "It's just that I won't be around for a while. I've been...I've been excepted to go to Royal Academy." 

"Oh wow Summer that's great." Ashley turned away from the stove to smile at me she was actually happy for me. Danny just stared at me. I shifted under his gaze uncomfortable. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2016 ⏰

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