Chandler - Panel

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(You are an actor on The Walking Dead in this)

(Y/n) POV

I walked on stage as my name was called. I smiled as I saw the crowd waving and cheering, I waved back. I sat down next to Steven (Glenn). The next name to be called was Chandler's, he smiled brightly as he walked out and sat next to me.

As the rest of the cast sat down we started with the questions, adding small bad jokes and puns in our answers. Andy (Rick) has been answering this question for a while. "He always take his time when answering." I thought as I look down and begin to zone out.

"(Y/n)!" I jumped as I heard my name. "Huh?" I said surprised and slightly tired. I glared at Chandler as he snickered next to me.

He (I don't know the name of the host guy) started with the questions, I answered seriously adding stupid jokes until the last question. "Someone asked, 'Are you and Chandler dating? You should totally date! Sooooooo cute!'" Host guy said in an exaggerated girly voice.

My eyes widened and I felt heating rising to my cheeks.

"Uhm, no we aren't. Sorry if you ship it." I said with a nervous laugh, trying as hard as I could to act cool. I glanced over at Chandler who had a bit of blush, but a huge cocky smirk plastered on his face.

"By the way you're blushing I don't believe that." The host guy said cocking (I've said 'cock' twice now XD) his eyebrow in suspicion. I glared and said, "We aren't." "Would you want to be?" He retorted. I blushed hard, if that was possible. "Uhm...How 'bout a question for someone else?" I put my head down, embarrassed. "Nope. So, you two had a kiss scene on the show how was that?" I sighed. "Awkward." I said as I started to regain confidence and most importantly stop blushing.

"How 'bout another kiss for the fans?" My head immediately shot up. I waved my hands in front of me, repeating "No, no, no." The cast cheered along with the crowd. I heard Norman (Daryl) yelling, "Do it, do it, do it!" As I turned to glared at him as I was met with a pair of lips.

My eyes widened. "Chan is kissing me! Fuck, what do I do!" I thought to myself for the second his lips were on mine. I heard many 'Awe's from the crowd as I just looked down blushing harder, but still with the biggest smile ever.

Host guy finally moved on to the other questions. I was poked and when I glanced down, I saw Chandler's hand passing me a piece of paper. It said, "You liked that kiss (Y/n) ;)" "No" "Yes" "No" "Yes" "Maybe..." "Ha ha I knew it! I'm a great kisser huh? ;)" I looked up to see Chandler with another cocky smirk on his face, I glared at him."Hey Chandler, (Y/n)! Stop passing love notes over there!" Norman stood up, walked over to us and ripped the paper out of my hands like a teacher would. He returned to his seat and read the note out loud. Chandler kept the same smirk as, again, I blushed furiously. Everyone laughed then moved on to the next questions.

Once Comic Con was over Chandler and I walked to his car awkwardly. We drove here together, great idea. As we got there I went to open my door as Chandler stood in front of me very closely. "I really do like you (Y/n)." "You're a dick." I said as I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. It was a short,cute kiss.

Please tell me if it was at least okay. I might write more it depends on how many people want me to. If you have requests, just comment. Well ummm thanks for reading my shitty one-shot. Bye I guess.

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