Chapter 2

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I entered my room and grabbed my guitar. I started to sing Little Things because let's face it ; I'M TALENTED. But this wasn't the point. I sang the song until I heard someone near the door...

I rushed to the door but slowly and quiet so no one will hear me and when I opened it Louis fell into the room on the carpet...i guess he was supporting himself on the door and when I opened it he fell down.

''Hello Niall!'' He said cheerful like nothing happened.

''Don't ''Hey Niall'' me!'' I said.

''What are you here for?'' I asked.

''Um ARE YOU HERE FOR?!'' He asked and tried to act angry but he was obviously confused.

''This is my room.'' I replied bored to Louis' obvious question.

''Right...'' he said and he pretended not to have a clue.

We sat there in an awkward silence and then I decided to break the ice.

'' ... what are you doing here?''

''I was listening to Little Things obviously!'' he said.

''Well did you really have to spy me?'' I asked.

''This was way more interesting than just sitting there and listening to it like every other normal person would do.'' He said then raised his eyebrows.

''Right'' I said a bit confused and walked away from the door.

''Aww why is my leprechaun sad?''Louis asked.

''Sad? I...I am not sad...I'm in a mini dilemma...'' I replied...mabye I was a little sad...

''Dilemma... about what exacly?'' Louis said sitting near me on the couch...

''Well you see-'' I was cut off by Louis.

''WAIT!! GOTTA BRING KEVIN!'' Louis said then ran out of the room.

I waited there for like 2 minutes and Louis came back running and holding Kevin in his arms and making that pigeon look at me and it kinda scared me.

''Sorry for the wait but Kevin was sleeping and I didn't want to wake him up!'' Louis said.

''Come on Lou you must be kidding me!''I said.

''It's a pigeon toy! How did it exacly sleep?'' I asked.

''What are you...kind of a ...a leprechaun police man or what?!''Louis asked making me go back to the real subject.

''Right'' I said.

''So Louis I'm wondering if I were a leprechaun would you guys still like me?'' i asked

''That was the big dilemma?'' he asked while he stroked his pigeon on the head.

'' they really exist?'' I said.

''That was the big dilemma?'' he asked still not giving up the question.

''Yes!! I have my own dilemmas ok!?'' I yelled but not loud enough for the others to hear...

Louis gave me a confused expression.

''Sorry for yelling Lou...''I said.

''It's ok leprechaun.'' he said then winked.

''Sure even if you were - Louis was cut off by his laughing- a...leprechaun... we'd still like you... but I doubt it will ever happen''. He said then winked at me.

''Ok! Whatever...Take Kevin to sleep I'm gonna be playing some guitar now.'' I said...basically kicking him out of the room...that's what I do when I wanna be alone!

''Why don't you play some guitar to Kevin to fall asleep?'' he asked. Man, he really takes that pigeon serious.

''Ok ok fine!'' I said and Louis smiled and left Kevin in the room then walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

I stared playing ''Over Again'' on the guitar but i felt uncomfortable with that pigeon staring at me!...Oh well it's not like Kevin is a real pigeon right...?

Anyway I stopped playing guitar just to see the comments I had received on Twitter.

**After 30 minutes**

I have to admit I am not the most liked member of the band but still I don't get why I get so much hate...I mean lots of ''directioners'' saying that I shoudn't be in the band...I mean why do they say that...? It hurts...

After i read most of the comments i just said to myself : ''I wish I were a leprechaun... Mabye then things woudn't be so hard...''

After that i drifted off to sleep.


A/N: I know this was a boring chapter but the next one will be better!! I hope... :))

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