why don't you think so?

it would make them sick! are you stupid

no u prick! I just always thought a "lactose intolerant" were those people in America who tipped cows over as some sort of revenge against the dairy community

you are totally an adorable idiot, I have never heard of anyone ever thinking that

well damn

why do you need to know?

I have someone coming over and I want to make a nice meal

someone? and who may that be?

Just a friend and we usually try to plan on hanging out sometimes

are you guys like a thing?

Sirius, I just said they were a friend

But what if they're getting the wrong idea?

what if YOU are getting the wrong idea? she's a girl


yeah and I'm straight as a fucking rainbow


oh my god


Sirius ur fucking jealous holy shit, never thought this day would come let me screenshot this for my scrapbook

Jealous isn't in my vocabulary and shove off

then u might wanna get a dictionary bc u could become quite jealous when you hear about my boyfriend

you have a boyfriend?

no Sirius! JFC I'm shitting you!

I can't tell over text messaging!! I'm not some mind reader x-file shit

this is great I'm dying

Hah hah laugh all you want

Oh lighten up you god of a man

you think I'm pretty? :D

I don't think I said that at all, but we can go with that you arrogant bastard


Now who's the cute idiot?


Oh please
ugh I gotta go, Marlene's here

Awe okay talk to you later?

Of course

Remus? You there?
I really need you right now
I'm freaking out moony

Why what's wrong???

I can't remember but I must've fallen and knocked myself out

Shit! Sirius, call an ambulance! You need to get it checked
Answer me
Type me any letter if you're okay
Goddammit why didn't you just use your stupid head
That's it I'm calling you

"Sirius? Hello? Sirius, oh thank god you picked up! You need to hang up and call- wait.. wait are you fucking laughing? You fucking twat, this isn't fucking funny. You scared the shit out of me, this isn't a fucking joke. You're fucking sick."

"Moony! Calm down! I'm sorry, I just thought it was a good prank, I didn't think you would be so frightened- Remus? Hello? You there-"

Fuck off
I really just can't deal with you right now

Remus come on it was just for a laugh
I'm sorry

Remus please.. I didn't want to make it into a big deal
this wasn't my intention
for you to get mad

goddammit I'm dying over here
don't take that seriously but I really am sorry
I know it was a shitty thing to do
Please answer me
I feel really bad
I said I was sorry

I thought maybe giving you time would help but it's been only a while and I'm still reeling over everything in my head
please just talk to me about it Remus
You can't keep shutting me out

Remus please
I can't sleep and I feel really really bad
I can't stop thinking about making you mad
I was being such a prick
Please forgive me
I'm worried you'll never text me back
I can't lose our friendship, or whatever this is
You mean too much to me
I can't lose you over something stupid I did
but I always do stupid shit and sometimes I can't help it
at times it just feels right and I go for it

that's called being fucking impulsive you shithead

Remus oh thank god

No listen I don't think we should talk anymore
It's not a good idea

What..? Where is this coming from? I'm sorry Remus, I really am.. I can't lose you though

You should've thought of that before you worried me into insanity

Remus I know and I'm really really really sorry, I'll make it up to you however you want but I can't stop being friends and talking to you, anything you want remmy


Anything and everything I swear



lol I'm just shitting with you


you messed with me and I took my chance when you were most vulnerable

you fucking wanker

;)))) u know it love

you have a cruel soul, did you know that?

you bring it out in me, sicko

It was a prank chill ur dill

I won't be chilling anything bc I still find u to be inconsiderate

I won't do it again! I swear bc I won't end this relationship even for ten thousand pounds

I would

Fuck you!

Yes, fuck me

I'd be glad to

Good, so would I

Then be mine

Oh look at the time! Goodnight :)

fine reject me, but one day I'll be making those fancy banana pancakes for you when we move in together, just you wait Moonpie

a'n: okay thought I would just say a quick apology for not updating as quickly as some of you may have wanted, I was traveling around Europe for a couple weeks and have had a lot to do after coming home and tonight I was just sort of eating pasta and ideas flooded through me, so here is the product, just enjoy this dorky shit and have a nice day

Banana Pancakesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें