Brownie Sandwiches

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Brownie Sandwiches

Look at the box for baking brownie instructions because I am far to lazy to type it out.

Once brownies are baked, chill til they are cold enough that the ice cream will not instantly melt when the brownies coem in contact with it. Cut up how ever you like. Put some vanilla ice cream on there. Put in bowl because you'll probably make a mess with anything else.

Now and try to eat it without getting it on your face. Then fail miserably. Now try and clean up. Decide your too lazy to do it and go do whatever you want. Then get yelled at by whoever you live with.

If you don't live with anyone, go over to a mirror and yell at the reflection. Blame the mess on them and tell them they have to go clean it up. Then go watch TV. Go back into kitchen to find the mess still there. Do a dramatic scream, then half clean the mess. Give up. And decide you have to hire a maid. Realize you cannot afford to hire a maid.



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