To take a small town

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They saw the bridges through the ridge. They saw no americans and kept moving. "Do you think they retreated?" Asked A grenadier about the same age as Hamsel. "I dont know but well find out soon enough." Hamsel and Hermann along with Heinsel kept moving and saw the hedgerow. They all stopped and waited.

"Whats happening?" Asked Heinsel. "Were waiting for the attack on the bridges to start." Said lieutenant Karl. They heard the thudding explosions of Artillery in the town. "Alright Grenadies Fight for The Fatherland!" Shouted Karl. They opened fire on the Hedgerow wich was being torn apart. Then an american Machine gun fired back striking a tree near Hamsel. Bullets zipped pass by Hamsel and he jumped to the ground and kept firing his Kar 98. Their weapons were opening up and the Hedgerow lit up with the flashes of their guns. They looked like angry fireflies swarming an area. Hamsel kept firing blindly at them and Hermann and Heinsel were doing the same. Heinsel was holding his MP-40 trying to put in a new cartridge. A bullet hit Hamsels rifle and swung the rifle off his hands. He saw the wood ripped in half and the rifle broken in pieces. "Shit!" Cursed Hamsel and crawled around dodging bullets and tracers. He saw a grenadier stand up and try to throw a grenade He was hit on the chest and stomach and fell back grenade still in hand. "Nooo!" Shouted Hamsel as he grabbed it and threw it at the Hedgerow. The explosion threw off a couple of americans bloody and torn up.

He stood back and saw Stugs and Jagpanzers move up and fire at the Hedgerow. "We have them on the run Hurrah!" Shouted Heinsel. Hamsel grabbed the fallen Grenadier's STG-44 and took his ammo. He never used the weapon before but he seemed familiar with it like the 42. An explosion threw three Grenadiers back and Hamsel heard church bells in his ears. Hamsel stood up and fired his new weapon onto the Americans . He kept firing and silenced their machine gun.
Hamsel ducked and put in a new cartrige. He heard bullets and shells pass by hitting the ground. He heard explosions come from the town itself. The Americans started to fall back. He cheered in hapiness along with everyone else.

They passed the Hedgerow and found a few dead americans. They ran through a road into the town andwere met by bullets. Hamsel ducked down rubble and saw a Grenadier get shot multiple times as he fell. Hamsel saw a tall building with a marksman on it and a machine gun on the top. "Hermann the americans have a machine gun on the church!" Shouted Hamsel to both Heinsel and Hermann who were both behing a wrecked car. "I see him! The bastard is staying up there like a coward!" They saw a nearby Tiger tank advance forward and stop next to him. The turret's cannon rose and aimed at the building Hamsel sighed as the cannon fired at the top of the building "Cmon!" Said Marvin as they kept moving up. The stopped at a courtyard and saw americans fire at the Grenadiers that adavanced up the roads. They were caught completely by suprise when Hamsel shot his STG-44 at the yankees and  hit a couple in the chest. Hermann threw stielhangrenade and ducked. The explosion threw an american back as he was filled with lead. The Americans retreated back one road. Lieutenant Karl let out a laugh. Hamsel sat down for a while thinking victory was clear.

But suddenly a Stug near them exploded and sent three men back each of them a burning man with fire on his body.
Hamsel looked over and saw an american panzer its cannon fired a shot that hit anearby building and throw Him back. Hermann ran for Hamsel and picked him up. "Get up the Yankees have brought up tanks!" Hamsel could barely hear him he heard church bells and felt hot pebbles on his face. An airplane swooped low and strafed the ground with bulltes on hitting Heinsel in the calf. Heinsel screamed in pain and Both Hamsel and Hermann ran at him picked him up and ran inside a building. "GODDAMMIT OWW MY DAMN LEG AGAIN!" Screamed Heinsel as Hermann out a bandage on his calf. Hamsel looked outside and saw Grenadiers fall back as they kept getting shot. "He cant walk we have to get the hell out of here before the Yankees find us" Said Hermann "We cant theyll kill us as soon as they see our single shadows." Said Hamsel. "We can go through the back. We can escape through the yard there." Said Heinsel as he held his cigarrete closely. "Well today we were once again defeated I hate this freakin country." Said Hermann

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