“It’s okay, really. I can teach you slowly. Although from that kiss just now, I don’t think you’re going to need much help.”

I grinned at her and she smiled sheepishly in return. I don’t know what I did to deserve her, but I was really thankful. 

Ceci’s POV

Once again, I had to get all melodramatic about everything. It had been a kiss, a wonderful, soul-searing kiss, but I had to turn it into a point of argument. Why I couldn’t just accept that Eddie wanted me, flaws and all, I don’t know. It seemed to be too perfect, too unrealistic that I would end up with him. I knew I needed to just get over it, especially since I knew how my own opinion of him had changed so dramatically after finding out he was my mate, but as they say, old habits die hard. And I was too used to being in the shadow, to being on the fringe of things, that being around him was disconcerting. Not because of him per se, but because of what he represented. He was the leader of the MP – he was the popular guy, the player, the jock. I wasn’t any of those things and I never would be.

But that was in the past. He was still all of those things, but he was also now my mate. Mine. Just as I was his.

I blew out a long breath and sighed. I needed to accept that we were tied together, willingly and by fate. Eddie was looking at me, a concerned expression on his face, and I didn’t want him to worry about me anymore. I would resolve my doubts about our relationship and I would do it soon. I needed him by my side, not as a friend but as a mate.

After I calmed myself down, Eddie and I talked for a while longer about my ability and my worries. He understood. He didn’t laugh at me or tell me I was overreacting. But he did look like he was holding back. I didn’t question him because I knew he would tell me when he was ready, but I did wonder. There was something he wanted to say, something he felt guilty about, but he was hesitating. I let it go. 

It was getting chilly. The sun had set long ago and the air was cool. We both got up, our fingers intertwined. He seemed reluctant to let me leave and I felt the same way. We had progressed so much in our relationship in just the past two days that it felt wrong to suddenly have to part ways. His presence was becoming more and more of a necessity for me.

As we slowly made our way back to my house, we talked lightly about school, our friends and the game. I told him that I would likely see him tomorrow at his house, although we would have to be cool towards each other if we didn’t want his dad to suspect anything. I think we both knew that it would be hard. 

When we got to the edge of the woods, he lifted our still entwined hands and kissed the back of mine. In return, I stood up on tiptoe and brushed my mouth against his. He looked startled for a moment, since it was the first time I had ever initiated physical contact, but he quickly recovered by pulling my head back to his for another kiss. This one wasn’t as intense as the one by the stream, but it was definitely as magical.

After we slowly pulled away from one another, he gazed down at me.

“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yea, I guess so.”

“I’ll miss you until then,” he whispered before retreating into the shadow of the trees.

I watched him as he gradually disappeared deeper into the woods. Letting out a breath I didn’t know I had held, I turned around and walked back to my house. My lips still tingled from his touch – I could even still feel his lips on the back of my hand.

The rest of the evening passed by in a blur. All through dinner, I was only semi-conscious of what was happening around me. My parents looked at me curiously a couple of times, but I think they both attributed my state to everything that had been revealed yesterday. For that I was grateful. I didn’t want to have to lie to them about why I was so out of it.

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