Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Clubs. Lame. What sounded better than going to a club, full of sweaty people drinking themselves into a hot mess, and acting really sloppy and pathetic? But, here I was, walking into one of those lame clubs. But, how was I supposed to say “no thanks” when my best friend decided to rent out the entire club and throw a birthday party?

" Jaycee OVER HERE!" I turned around to see Libby surrounded by Kendall , her boyfriend and a bunch of other guys. I really hated Kendall, he was so not boyfriend material. I could never understand why someone like Jaycee would go out with someone like Kendall. "COME!" She screamed over the loud music that was pounding in my ears. I started walking towards her, I hated clubs, but I must say, this one was actually not that bad. "Are you having fun?" she asked moving to the beat of the song.

"Yeah, I guess. I mean, I’d rather lock myself in the bathroom and have a one man party in there, but I guess this isn’t so bad" I said with a sarcastic face.

"I don’t even know why I bothered inviting you. But I want you to meet my other friends. This is Harry, Niall, Louis, Zayn and Liam," Libby said, giving me a smirk. I gave each one a hug and a little kiss on the cheek. They were all so hot, but the one that grabbed my attention the most was the one with the blonde hair that came up in a quiff, the one wearing a white polo shirt that was tight enough for me to see the outline of his beautiful body, Niall.

"And, this is Jaycee, her best friend," Kendall said grabbing Libby's ass, making her squeal. Oh god… he was always craving some type of sexual attention from libby. He didn’t care whether or not people were watching, which made me really uncomfortable.

"You wanna go dance… or something?" Niall whispered into my ear, reminding me that I was at a party. I nodded my head and he grabbed my hand to show me the way to the dance floor. We started dancing and I decided to make things less awkward by starting a conversation.

"So… you know Libby?" I asked him


"Nah. Who’s that?" He said with a straight face. I gave him a confused look and he started laughing. "Of course I do? Why else would I be at her party?" Of course he knew Libby? What kind of question was that? My cheeks began to turn red. Don’t worry, just play it cool. "Well sorry. I was just trying to start a conversation? I meant to ask, how you knew her,” I said laughing, trying to hide my red cheeks.

"Oh! Well, my mum and her mum are good friends. They work together and I met Libby about a year ago at her mom’s dinner party. We got along pretty well, so we decided to keep in touch and grew pretty close ever since," he said with a goofy smile on his face. "How about you? How do you know her?"

"Sorry, but I don’t feel comfortable telling someone about my relationship with other people when I just met them like 5 minutes ago?" I said with a smirk on my face. Niall started laughing and I felt like I was about to melt right there on the spot. His laugh was the best thing I have ever heard in my entire life.

"Well, I am so very sorry, I was just trying to start a conversation,” he said. I started laughing, realizing afterwards that he was mocking me.

"Real original babe. Real original." I said in a sarcastic tone. "Me and Libby have been best friends since grade 4. We met on the playground during recess. I wanted to ride on one of the swings and some guy was being a jerk and he wouldn’t let me, and that’s when Libby came and told the guy off. We became best friends since then. We went through middle school together, high school, college and we just started living together."

"I would definitely become best friends with someone who helped ride on a swing," he said with the most sarcastic voice ever. I squinted my eyes and lightly punched him in his stomach, earning a laugh from him. We continued to keep the conversation going and we continued to dance. He made me laugh all night and we were honestly having the best time ever.

All of a sudden the song changed to something that was a bit slower, just give me a reason by Pink. We awkwardly stared at each other until he smiled and bent forward, making it look like as if he was bowing down and said,”May I your majesty?”

"Why, it would be my honor," I replied by looking up and placing my hand on my chest acting surprised. We both started laughing and I placed my arms on his shoulders and he placed his, around my waist. He pulled me in closer so he could wrap his arms tightly around my waist and so I could wrap mine around his neck. We were so close that I could feel his heart beating in his chest, I could feel the warmth of his body, I could smell his strong cologne, it was definitely dark temptation, my favorite type of axe and when I looked up I could tell his eyes were blue. I didn’t realize it but he was staring right back at me. My heart began to beat a bit faster and I could feel his heart speeding up too. I was so lost in his perfect blue eyes to notice that we had stopped moving and we were just standing there. Just holding each other. He just looked so perfect. The way his blue eyes were looking back at me, and the way his lips were slightly parted, his cute little nose and his hair, his perfect hair that still managed to stay in a quiff after all the dancing we had done. I could see the lust in his eyes and before I knew it, he leaned in and placed a kiss on my lips.

His lips were so soft and the kiss was so perfect. I felt like our lips fit together perfectly. He pulled me in even closer, making the kiss even deeper. Our tongues decided to get involved and they were just as thirsty as we were for some action. As soon as he was about to win, I felt a sudden jerk on my arm pulling me away from Niall and into the crowd. I opened my eyes and began to look around to find out who was pulling me further away from Niall. I turned around and took my other hand to pull the person’s wrist, as soon as she turned around, I realized it was Libby. She was an absolute mess! Her makeup was running down her face leaving a black trail on her cheeks, she was crying.

"Oh god! Is everything okay?" I turned around to see Niall with the same confused look on his face like mine.

"KENDALL! STUPID JERK! HE BROKE UP WITH ME! ON MY BIRTHDAY!" She started crying even more. I guess, I wasn’t as shocked as Niall because Kendall wasn’t the right guy for Libby. I was kind of happy they broke up. I mean, it could have happened at a better time but thank god it happened. Libby was too blind to see it but Noel didn’t really care about her. He just acted all sweet when he wanted to get in bed with her. "I WANT TO LEAVE RIGHT NOW! THERE’S A CAB WAITING OUTSIDE AND I NEED YOU TO COME WITH ME!"

What? What was wrong with my best friend? She was going to leave her own party? It was her birthday, and she was seriously going to let some stupid jerk ruin her birthday party? She should be happy! There were hot guys everywhere! “Libby, you can’t just leave, it-“

"YES I CAN. I ALREADY TOLD THE MANAGER." she screamed into my face. I looked back at Niall, hoping he would back me up on this. Instead, he leaned in to give her a hug.

"Shh, it’s okay. I’ll take care of the party if there are any problems. Just go home and Jaycee will go with you," he looked at me and gave me a look to reassure him. Was this a joke? Niall and I were having such a good time and I really wanted to continue dancing with him and now I had to go home because my best friend couldn’t stop crying over some jerk who broke up with her on her birthday?

 I suddenly felt Niall grab my hand. “I’m sorry you have to leave so early, but aren’t you glad you didn’t spend your time having that one-man party in the bathroom?” I let out a quiet laugh and watched him take out his phone from his pocket. “Here, type in your number and maybe we can hang out sometime, yeah?” I took the phone, typed in my number and handed it back to him. Then, I grabbed Libby's hand to lead her out of the club when Niall pulled me back and turned me around. He pulled me in for a hug and placed one more kiss on my lips. “It was really nice meeting you.”

Notes Here's a new one for all you Niall lovers out there! I mainly love Louis Tomlinson but i'm spreading the love to all of them. ;)

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