Chapter 25

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Harry's P.O.V

I walked into the field with the rest of the team. We just run plays and wait for the game to start. It was close to time for it to start when people started filling the stands.

I looked for my beautiful girl up there. I finally found her. I just love her. Her smile, her eyes, her laugh. She's amazing.

She's mine. No one can take her away from me. Not Sam. Not Nick. I'll make sure of that.

Breanna's P.O.V

After school I went to work at the music store. It's a really cool place and my boss, Travis, is pretty cool. I was putting CDs up when I got a text from Rachael saying that I better hurry up and get home to get ready for the game.

Thankfully, Travis let me leave to go get ready. I didn't really know what to wear and I never really went to any games unless I had to. Which was majorly basketball and maybe a couple football games for band but that's about it.

I got home and decided to just wear what I already have on. (Which was a pair of dark skinny jeans, a batman shirt, and a pair or black converses.) I decided to curl my hair in loose curls and did my make up light.

Well I'm ready to go to the game.

Rachael's P.O.V

Well tonight's Louis's game. I'm not a fan of sports but for Louis, I'll go to any games. I get home and go to pull out what I'm going to wear.

What would Louis like me to wear? I pull out a lot of things and kept looking. I finally found the perfect outfit.

Nope! Not wearing a dress! Uh. How about this plaid shirt and these skinny jeans. Yep that works. It's funny me and Breanna have the same shirt. We planned to wear it and you should have seen all the looks we got.

It was hilarious. Those were the good ole days. Back to reality I went to the bathroom and get dressed. It would be cool if we matched again but I'm sure we won't.

I got in my car and drove to the field. I got there and met Bre there.

We sat down and saw the boys wave at us and we waved back. Louis looks amazing in his jersey.


Breanna's P.O.V

It was during the game and our boys were behind by 3 points and they only have a few seconds left. Louis has the ball.

"GO LOUIS!!" Rachael screamed.

"Rachael you are killing my eardrums!" I said.

"Sorry! I'm just cheering my boyfriend on!" She said.

"Yeah and ok saying what you said to me ever time I cheered Harry on!" I said.

"Whatever. You're just jealous cause I have an awesome boyfriend!" She said.

"Whatever," I said. I got went back to watching the game.

Louis scored just as the time went off! WE WON!

We ran down there and I attacked Harry in a hug.

"Haha. Hey Babe," he said while hugging me back.

"Hey. You did an amazing job," I said.

"Thanks," he said.

"Welcome," I said.

I looked and saw Sam and Nick staring at us.

"Babe you ok?" He asked.

"Huh uh yeah. I'm fine," I lied. How would you feel if you know someone is out to hurt you!?

"What's wrong? I know you're not ok," he said.

"I'm just really going to miss you," I said.

"Nope. You saw Nick and Sam didn't you?" He said.

"What? No," I said.

"Quit lying to me," he said.

"But how did you?" I asked.

"I read your thoughts. Don't lie to me. Ever!" He said.

"Ok," I said kinda shaken by his tone.

He sighs. "C'mere," he said with his arms wide open.

I hug him. "Lets go to my house," he said.

I nod.

"Don't be afraid of me. Please," he asked.

"I'm not," I said.

"Good. Now c'mon," he said.

"Ok." I said.


Harry's P.O.V

Well today's the day I leave. Sam and Nick hasn't done anything so maybe Breanna will be ok.

"I'm going to miss you so much," I said.

"I'll miss you too," she says hugging me.

"I don't want to leave," I said hugging back.

"But you're going to live your dream Haz. You need to go. We will stay in touch," she said.

"Ok but just remember that I love you so much," he says.

"I love you too. So much," she says.

"Flight 264 is now boarding," the intercom says.

"Now go live your dream," she says.

"Ok. I'll call you everyday," I say.

"Ok now go before you miss your flight and before I break down," she said.

"Ok. I love you," I say.

"Love you too," she says.

I walk to the terminal and look back at her and smiles. I love her so much.

I kept walking and got on the plane.

Breanna's P.O.V

I watched him leave. He's actually going to live his dream. I'm so proud of him. I walk back to my car and get in as I see a plane leaving the runway thinking, "There he goes. Going to live his dream.

I get in my car and pull out on to the highway heading home when this car pulls out in front of a big rig and it turns over.

I slam on the brakes but I hit it and watch as it flips over.

Then everything went black.....




Comment what you think will happen!!!!

And to let you people know THIS IS NOT THE END. But we are getting close.

Ok well that's all for now!



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