Part 1: The Beginning

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The thing in the window, its been there for over a week now. Staring at me. I went outside to take it down because I thought it was a mannequin. But when I got outside it was gone. So I yelled for whoever it was to come out, and of course..... No one. So I went back inside. I looked in the window and it was back. I tried to lift the window up to get it off but its hand were holding the window down. So I was an idiot and punched the window. It started to move.........It was real.
I looked at me as if I were a wimp. Looking back it, I noticed a crack in the window. Which made me think of how strong it was holding the window shut, that lead me o the thought that if he wanted he could break my window and come inside. But I don't want any visitors so I took a roll of duct tape of my desk and taped the window. Mostly because I didn't want to look at it anymore. I heard a loud screech, then I heard it scurry away. Like a rabbit running from a predator. So I peeled the tape back because I thought it was gone. I sat down in relief......As soon as I did it came back. Grinning. Sharp teeth. Gray skin. Blank eyes. And my heart about to explode. I tried to focus on something else, so I sat at my desk and started typing........ Its still staring at me.... I can feel it staring at the back of my head, almost like it wants to put a hole through my skull. Its pouring its hate into my soul as I write this..... from the thing in the window.

The Thing In The Window: ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now