Angel: ok i'm sorry Jacob I can’t stand us not talkin

Jacob: *still driving*  your sorry you didn’t even do anything. If anyone i should be the one saying sorry. and i'm sorry.

Angel: but if it wasn’t for me none of this would've happened i guess i got really mad and wasn’t thinking is it wasn’t for me not controlling my actions we wouldn’t be in this mess and we wouldn’t have gotten suspended.

Jacob: ok so your partially right but if it wasn’t for Tania coming ontop of me and kissing me none of this wouldnt have happened either.

OK so I lied there but I want my baby back.

Angel: I guess your right we;re both wrong and that bitch Tania ooo i can’t stand her ass.

Jacob: I know you can’t

Angel: *sighs* Jacob

Jacob: Yeah

Angel: What are we now

Jacob: I don’t know what do you want us to be.

Angel: *unsurely* boyfriend and girlfriend….

Jacob: *smiles* ok then its official.

Angel: *smiles back and quickly gave jacob a kiss on the lips*

Angel’s POV:

We stopped at StarBucks and ordered some breakfast since school food taste like shit and makes me sick to my stomach literally and then we began of to the school.

~A few minutes later~

We were finally at the school, surprisingly we were early and only a few people were here just talkin and hangin around. Besides that we both just sat down on th stairs and started talking.

Angel: I wonder who we will be touring.

Jacob: Me too hopefully they aint nerds.

Angel: *laughs* what you got against nerds.

Jacob: nuthin I just don’t wanna be near know it alls

Angel: oh true dat but what if they’re not nerds.

Jacob: then we’ll let them chill with us and the guys.

Angel: Oh ok.

Jacob: yeah

Angel: I wonder where the other girls are.

Jacob: speaking of them here they come now.

Tania’s POV:

The girls and I finally made it to school with 5 minutes to spare, meaning in 5 minutes we will be touring kids we don’t know our age. Oh how fun *in a sarcastic voice*. Anyways by the time we arrived Jaob and Tania were already there. Oh goody -_-. I can’t with them they are such fucktards, but honestly Jacob and I. I don’t even know where we stand. After that kiss, it was like he took to me another side of him.His lips are just so soft and gentle. His body whooo hallelujah praise dhha…. hold the fuck up what am i saying i can’t stand his ass or am i just falling In Love With My Bully Jacob Perez? ( you see what i did there)

While i was daydreaming I accidently bumped into someone and was one the floor on top of them.

Kristina: omg are you guys ok

Tania: oops i am so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.

??: bitch you really do need to start paying attention  is ya blind or some shidd.

From that voice i automatically knew it was Angel.

Tania: *helping her up* I told you i was sorry what you want me to do.

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