"Oh wow, and you've only known each other for about two weeks all together?"

I nodded remembering the first time I saw him peeking over the wall of my cubical.

"And that was the first time you spent the night?" She asked me.

"Um...yeah" I replied blushing loudly.

"You guys are quite a pair, why did you keep it a secret?"

"My manager said it wouldn't be a good idea" Marshall explained.

"It must've killed you to deny your feelings for each other" she sympathized.

"Yeah" Marshall said shortly, squeezing my hand affectionately.

"I'm guessing your 'secret inspiration' is this lovely young lady right here" she assumed gesturing to me.

"My pure inspiration, with out her we wouldn't be here"

"Both songs written about her?"


"That's a lot of passion for someone you basically just met not too long ago" she pointed out.

"Fionna's...different, she's something special" he looked back to me and I couldn't help but smile.

"How about a kiss to confirm it completely?" Lucy pushed, probably trying rub her victory in James' face.

Marshall chuckled and glanced back to Lucy "sure, why not?" He turned back to me and pressed a kiss to my pink cheek. I giggled and Lucy laughed slightly at his subtle kiss, expecting a full on lip lock.

"Alright, there it is: they are a couple. That's all the time we have, I hope you enjoyed today's groundbreaking show. See you next time" she told the camera with a grin as the on air light flicked off again.

"Well, that was quite a show wasn't it?" Lucy said as the crew starting wrapping things up.

"Yes it was, but we have to go now before Marty finds me" Marshall joked before standing up.

"MARSHALL!" We heard Marty scream.

"Oops! Too late" he chuckled as Marty stormed over to us.

"What the hell was that! I told you don't tell anyone!" She yelled at him.

"Sorry, but she probably wouldn't let me say no" he pointed out.

"I don't care, just say no and no again!"

"Marty, calm down, it's fine okay? Everyone knew anyways" Marshall tried to pacify his outrageous manager. I felt like I was intruding, like I caused this mess and that I should probably leave.

"Ugh! It's like arguing with a child when I talk to you" she snapped at him.

"I don't see why it's such a big deal that people know" Marshall started to get snippy with her, his expression hardening. I didn't want to be here anymore, I just wanted to go home.

"It's a big deal because you guys are probably going to be over within a week!" She shouted, her words piercing through me like a dagger in the back. Everyone was silent as tears started to well up in my eyes while I stared at her, feeling hurt as if she assumed I was just another bimbo. I slowly slipped my hand from Marshall's before running out of the studio, wiping away the fallen tears that dribbled down my red cheeks and exiting out in to the empty ally way. My body shook with exhaustion and pain from her words, it was ridiculous I know, but I couldn't help it as the water wouldn't stop streaming down my sobbing face. I plopped down on a bucket in the ally. Broken breaths echoed in the small space, harsh winter air blowing against my shoulders and bare arms while I wiped under my eyes and saw black smudged on to my fingers.

"Geez it's cold out here" Marshall's voice spoke, snapping my head up to him.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I just-" I was cut off by a soft sob and air being sucked in by my lungs.

"Hey, it's okay. There's no need to apologize" he said softly, crouching down and swiped away a droplet with his warm thumb. His fingers curled under my chin as he lifted my head so I would look at him.

"She shouldn't have said that, sometimes she can be a real bitch and it's hard to deal with. But she's a wicked manager and that's the only reason I keep her around" he told me. I closed my eyes, wetness falling down fast as I nearly jumped in to his arms and held on to him. My arms squeezed around him as I buried my face in to his yellow shirt, staining the fabric and my face with mascara and eyeliner the makeup artists worked so hard on.

"Don't worry, we'll last longer than a week" he assured me while brushing his fingers up and down my back. He placed a kiss on the top of my head, comforting me further in his warm embrace as I accidentally stained the hem of my bright dress by dragging it over the dirty asphalt.

"M-Marshall, what is this? What are we? This isn't normal, this isn't what you see everyday. Lucy is right, we just met and we're feeling this way? How is this possible? I...I-I..." I couldn't bear to say the words I wanted him to hear.

"Maybe we shouldn't fit things in to normal, just go with what you feel" he whispered.

"I-I...feel..." why couldn't I say it, it was killing me that my mouth couldn't say what I wanted. He shushed me, his voice softly hissing through his teeth.

"You don't need to say it now" he told me. I buried my face deeper in to his chest and held him tighter, feeling safe and like I belonged there.

"C'mon, let's get changed and I'll take you home" he coaxed me.

"Can we not have sex tonight? I'm tired" I murmured in to his shirt.

"Of course, I wasn't planning on it either" he joked. He helped me up and dried the rest of my tears from my face, taking my hand again and leading me back so we could retrieve our previous clothing and so he could take me home.

See you again in the next chapter guys 



(ATTENTION) This book was not written by me. This was written by someone who I cannot completely recall but I just recently found out that this book was deleted from wattpad and I went on a search to find it somewhere else since I really love this book. I found it on a post on tumblr by "fryingpanss" (http://fryingpanss.tumblr.com/post/73019520865/ties-and-guitars-links-fiolee) and I decided that I want it back on wattpad for others to be able to read it again.

I retyped everything because I honestly don't know how to copy-paste things from tumblr so I hope my efforts don't go to waste and that you guys would love the story as much as I did and still do.

Anyway, again. I DO NOT OWN THIS BOOK NOR THAT CHARACTERS OF THIS BOOK. As of now, this book rightfully belongs to the person that I found the book from and that is "fryingpanss" from tumblr.


Ties and Guitars (Fiolee)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें