Prequel - Chapter 1

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Hey everyone, so this story started out only going to be an alternate ending, but I realized that the books never explained a lot that must have happened in Evie's childhood! So I thought I would use the information given in the books to write a kind of prequel to the series as Evie as a kid.

Remember that I don't own this series or the rights to them, only that this is my own opinion and I am the one writing the story. Thanks for the support!


I stand in a long white hallway holding the tall woman's hand. She is really pretty, and kinda mom like. A few days ago she came to the orphanage where I was staying and asked me a lot of weird questions. And now I have a home, kinda. It isn't what I thought most homes would look like, but the lady - I mean Raquel - says that I am going to be happy here.

"How are you feeling Evie?" She asks, turning her brown eyes on me.

I look around taking in the white surroundings and shrug. The place seems nice, clean at least, but it is really big, and there are a lot of weird people walking around eyeing me strangely. A lot of them have two faces, just like the little girl I met at the orphanage.

She had two faces, but when I asked her about it she cried. I had told the head advisor about it, but I only got in trouble. I don't want to get in trouble again, so I don't mention it. 

One man walks by me and I notice that his second face is really hairy, and his teeth are very sharp. I shrink away and stay close to Raquel until she leads me out of the hallway into a smaller room with a big brown desk in the middle.

"Where are we?" I ask at last, glad to be away from the watchful eyes of the two faced people, "Is this your home?"

She sighs, a kind of sigh that I think means she is not sure how to start something. Then she motions for me to sit in a big brown chair in front of where she sits at her desk. I scrunch my nose at the chair, wishing it were a nicer color, like pink.

"Evie, I am in charge of a very big center here known as IPCA. We specialize in detaining.. er, stopping, paranormal creatures from hurting Innocent people. Have you ever seen a paranormal before?" She asks in a soft voice.

"You mean like the two faced man out in the hall?" I ask, kicking my legs impatiently.

She frowns. "There was no two faced man in the hall. What did he look like?"

"He had a hairy face and scary looking teeth. But he also had a normal face on top. He had two faces, but they were one face at the same time, just like the little girl at the orphanage." I tell her.

She continues to frown and then pushes a red button on a speaker on her desk.

"Please send in Ruth from sector 4." She says, her voice strong and commanding. To me it seems like she is used to being in charge, just like the boss of a big company.

A few minutes later a tall women walks through the door and stands next to her desk. She has long blonde hair that drapes over her face so that I can't see her profile. I lean forward trying to get a better look at her, curiosity getting the better of me. The women doesn't even acknowledge my presence.

"Ruth, I need you to look at Evie for me," Raquel says fixing her with a stern gaze, "And you are to make sure your glamour is as strong as you can hold it."

The women finally turns to me and I get a good look at her. She has bright blue eyes and a sharp nose. Her mouth is pretty and thick, but underneath her face there is a scaly layer of skin all over her cheeks. And behind her blue eyes are slits like a cats, but in a weird way that makes me cold.

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