Gone and WattTale

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*Sunni and Dyllan are GONE*

*Whatever army is trying to kill them is raging*

Savvy: phew -_-'

Admin C: *puts on cat ears* I will take Sunni's place until they come back.

PowerEnder: alright. That's happened. Anywho, I say we have a WattTale meet up!

WT!Beeba: *looking up at frisk like "HE'S SO TAAAAALL"*

Frisk: Hi! ^^

WT!Beeba: Hi! ^^

Beeba: .w.

WT!Alto: *suplexes a boulder*

Undyne: *suplexes a wrecking ball*

WT!Alto: *suplexes a planet*

Alto: Oh my...

WT!Lily: .w. blood

Chara: o-------o"

WT!Lily: .W.

Lily: That's me :3

WT!Sunni: *other things about anime*-And I really don't get what the hype is about Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2! It's awful!

Alphys: *gasp* My thoughts exactly!

WT!Sunni: *also gasp* I found someone who agrees!

Admin C: Meow .-.

WT!Mools: HOI

Temmie: Hoi :3

Mools: Ye :3

WT!Dregon: Ribbit :3

Froggit: Ribbit Ribbit! ^^

Dregon: Awww

WT!Knight: Sup.

Sans: Sup.

Knight: They get along :3

WT!Queen: Hello there! You're my equivalent, right?

Toriel: Why yes, I guess I am!

*Asgore and WT!PowerEnder in the background like 


Queen: They get along FIIINE

PowerEnder: YEP ^^

WT!Sav: ...

Flowey: ...

Sav: Anddd It's a standoff -_-

WT!Austin: H-Hi...

Napstablook: Hi...

Austin: precious .-.

*Mettaton and Swaggyton are being fabulous and dank with Napsta*

WT!Phoenix: Howdy!

Asriel: Hi! 

Phoenix: Hi I'm actually here now :3

Sav: *cheering*

(Pretty sure thats all the WattTale)

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