New Savior

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“Dammit!” said Warren
“What? We're out of gas?” asked Addy
“Unfortunately,” answered Warren.
“Impossible! We had 2 gallons!” shouted Addy
“Addy, calm down. We'll find some food, gas and maybe some help ” said Warren.
Addy, Doc, Warren, Vasquez, 10K and Murphy found an abandoned restaurant that might contain some gas and obviously food. Little did they know there was so many Zs there almost as many as the Zunami. So they decided to hide in the store room. *Gunshot sounds* “What in the hell is that?” asked Doc. “Sniper sounds,” answered 10K. “You can come out now.” a girls voice said. “Should we?” asked Addy. “Vasquez, get ready. On 3. 1...2...3!” ordered Warren. They slammed the door open and saw the girl standing there. “Are you ok?” asked the girl. “Yeah... Thanks” said Warren. “I'm Dinah. Dinah Hunter” “I'm Warren. That's Vasquez, Addy, Doc, 10K and Murphy. ” “Where are you folks headed? ” “California” Murphy said roughly.
“You can't go there, there's a horde of Zs there,” said Dinah

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