Chapter 13 ❤

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I coughed hard into my tissue for the billionth time. Things are going horrible. I feel weaker than I ever have, considering the fact that I've noticed I have put on weight. The cough though just seems to get worse. I haven't told anyone about it. I'm hoping that as treatment goes, it will too.

It's been 5 days now. Dad has finally come together and can sit in the room with me and not get emotional. Justin still is here, writing some songs and keeping me company and also Pattie has been coming in. The support I have been getting from these guys is unimaginable. They don't make me feel like I'm mental or crazy. They make me happy and they are so understanding to everything. I thought that if I told people that they would judge me and make fun of me, but I was wrong. You just have to choose the right people.

I've learnt my lesson now. People really care about me, and I need to stop being so self-conceited and wrapped up in my thoughts and just speak how I feel. Keeping things in will only send you crazy. Everyone needs someone to talk to. It's hard though because no matter how many times you explain it to them, they won't ever know how you feel, unless they are in your shoes, but at least you have someone who will guide you to recovery.

Im literally sick of being in this stupid hospital. Im even sick of talking about it. Its driving me insane. I just want to get out of here. I have learnt my lesson, I actually do want to get better, but I just don't want to be in here. I think its time for me to be a teenager. Im being serious. I don't want to be here.


"Move you fat bitch"

" Eww look how her thighs rub together"

" Lose some weight cause your taking a lot of space."

"Look she has a double chin!"

" She looks so fat. I cant believe I didn't notice it."


I couldn't bare those comments in my head. They have been replaying all day. They wont stop. They haven't stopped. I stood there, looking at my reflection in the mirror. I pinched, slapped, grabbed and hit every inch of fat I could see. Which was my whole body. Everything they are saying is true. I am fat. And this is where it ends. These fat days are over. No more food. Food is my enemy.

Its time for me to change. No more. I don't care how hard this will be for me, I have to stop. This has taken over my life. Im spending my teenage years in a hospital when I could be doing a whole lot of other things. Like actually live a life. Everyone has haters, and as Miley said, Only god can judge you, forget the haters, cause somebody loves you. And someone does love me. My dad does. Pattie does. Im sure Justin loves me as a friend, but people do love me. I need to realise that.

I pressed the nurse button. I just want to know how long I will be in here for because I really hate it. Within an instant, a nurse came in.

" Is there something wrong Julia?" She asked sweetly walking over to the clipboard that was hooked on the front of my bed.

" Can you please bring Dr. Richard please, I need to speak to him." She put it back and nodded, before leaving she checked if my feeding bag needed refilling and if everything was in place. I bit my nails. I was scared. What if I have to be in here forever?

" Yes Julia. Is there a problem?" He walked in smiling.

" Doctor, I just really want to get out of here. Is there anyway I can? Please Im sick of staring at these 4 walls. I really don't to be here."

" Well Julia, You should've thought of that before you made this decision."

" Whats that supposed to mean?" I questioned with an angry tone and confusion.

" What I meant was that, you let this happen to yourself. The voice in your head, thats you. I cant get you out of here, Im sorry. Unless we start seeing improvements in your weight and in your health, then we will offer you a nutritionist, a psychologist and life that you deserve, other than that, I cant do anything about it. Its all you." I sighed. Tears were strolling down my face. He is right, That voice is me. I made this happen. I let my self go. I sold my soul to something that ruined it.

" Thank you....I just really need to be alone right now." He looked at me with sadness and pity. He felt sorry for me. But I just wasn't in the mood to hear anymore.

" Okay Julia. Just call me when you need me." He walked out. I laid down on the side and just thought about everything. I need to change now.

"I know you're not comfortable or ready yet, but I thought I might give it a try. The doctor said it okay and good that I'm doing this" Justin said. I turned around in the bed and saw Justin walking into the room with his hands behind his back.

"What is it?" He removed his hands away from his back and in his hands were 2 brown paper bags.

"I got 2 blueberry muffins. I want you to eat one with me. If you don't want to, I completely understand and I won't force you, but it-"

"I'll eat it." I was willing to take the risk. I'm ready. I can do this. I hope I can do this. I don't want to disappoint anyone anymore. It was time to break these habits, that were breaking me.His eyes lit up and his winner smile lit up the whole room. He was very happy. He was more than happy. I can see it in his eyes. He sat next to me on the hospital bed and gave me a hug.

"I'm so proud of you Julia! If you want to stop just let me know okay?" I nodded. He opened the paper bag and I could already smell the aroma of the blueberry hit me. My mouth started to water just by the thought of it. He pulled it out and handed me one as he got the other for himself out the bag.

"If you want we will eat it together."

"Okay" My hands were trembling. I feel like all the pressure has been dropped on me. I watch Justin take a bite. He looked at me as he was chewing. I looked at the golden muffin with bluey-purple blotches. I pulled it slowly to my mouth and took a small bite.

Minutes later I scoffed down the muffin that was once untouched. My stomach inside was smiling. It finally has something in there. Justin's dark caramel eyes were looking right at mine.

"I knew you could do it. " He grabbed my hand and kissed the top of it. What admires me about Justin is that he doesn't see me as the girl who is skin and bones. He sees me as a strong girl. He doesn't look at me different, or think I'm gross in that manner. That's what makes me happy.

I looked at him, and this time it wasn't the way I used to look at him. With each blink I took I still stood there with disbelief. I have fallen for Justin. And this time I mean it.

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