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Katherina's POV

"BBBBOOOOOOYSSS BREAKFEST IS REAADDYYYYYYY!" I screamed. My voice is a bit deeper than most girls so yeah i probabley sounded like a man.

Three boys;louis liam harry came sprinting in.

"Some people are hungry." I said chuckling as i placed scrambled eggs on there plates.

"Cheese or none?" I asked getting out some.

In replied i get a muffled 'yes'.

I grind alot of cheese and placed it on top of the scrambled eggs. The cheese started to sizzle on the eggs.

I took a seat beside Louis, and got myself ready.

"Love, you aren't eating that much.'' Louis said pointing to my little amount of food.

" it's okay." I said he flashed a beautiful smile before going back into his food.

"What smells so good?" An happy irish accent filled the room.


Harry smiled than started to sing

"And Katherina is the best cook ever she knew every line- i got nothing" Harry said pouting than went back to his food.

I giggled at his little remix he did.

"Louis right, you did wonderful job." Liam said in a matter-of-fact voice.

I stood up and bowed down. "Please i can't take anymore." I said swooning and all dramictic.

"So here you to are!" I said giving Niall and Zayn two big plates.

"Thank you,love" Zayn said kissing my forehead.

"No problem Zayn." I said giving him a quick smile.

"Thanks love, it looks good.'' Niall said kissing my cheek.

'' your welcome Nialler." I said smiling because of these huge fireworks i'm getting.

"I'm going up stair to go get a shower." I said pointing to the stairwell.

"Do you know where it is?" Harrys deep raspy voice called.

"Y-nope." I said shaking my head.

"Here i'll show you." Harry got up walking over to me and taking my hand into his.

He lead me thourgh a long hallway with chandlers hanging down giving a eleagent touch. We turned into a small room

"Heres your towel and and the shower is downstairs down the hall and to the left." Harry said handing me a big white fluffy towel.

"Thank you.'' I said going down stairs to the bathroom.

I hopped in and washed my long thick hair out it's getting way too thick and long. Oh well i don't mind the longness but if i got it thinned that would be nice.

I rinse my tanned body with this coconut bodysoap, i love it!

I was pretty suprised that they had girls shampoo in there to. Probaley Zayn.

I jumped out and rapped the towel around myself.

"Now for clothes." I whispered to myself.

"What the fuck? Did i forget?!" I whispered/shouted.

This towel only goes down to mid thigh!

Well, i guess this is were my spy skills come in handy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2013 ⏰

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