You were putting a piece of lettuce on your sandwich when you were interrupted by a few members of the household. Slender, Jeff, Ticci Toby, and Jax all entered the kitchen upon hearing you rummage around, looking for things.

You groaned, not bothering to look up and face any of them. "Can you guys at least let me eat before I get a lecture? I'm starving."

Jax laughed at your words, sitting down on a stool, across the counter. Although she laughed, she wasn't wearing the giddy expression that would match her laughter. She looked ashamed and uncomfortable, and you assumed it was due to your presence.

"Child, why would you think we would give you a lecture?" Slender questioned, 'staring' down at you.

You shrugged your shoulders. "I dunno. I took things too far, I guess. Jax and I fought, and we hurt each other, but I took things too far in the end." You glanced at the brunette, who was watching you with curiosity. You still felt tipsy from your earlier rendezvous, with a bottle of brandy on the side.

"I deserved it for what I did. And my intentions weren't necessarily innocent, either, so I'm guilty, too. You were just doing what you thought was right." Jax said, offering an uncertain smile. She looked at the counter, refusing to make eye contact with you, who stopped to watch her with an intense gaze.

Jeff rounded the corner of the counter and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you slightly towards him.

You continued making your super-sandwich once again.

"You came back even after how shit I acted?" You spoke, keeping your eyes trained on the thin pieces of bread, lettuce and cheese and all sorts of ingredients sandwiched in between.

"We both screwed up." Jax shrugged, sighing.

"Child, you acted on what you thought was best, which was all I asked for. Jax told me everything. You tried to reason with her quite a bit, and she wouldn't listen, so you did what you thought was best. And, in doing so, you unlocked the powers I sensed you had, hidden inside. Now that you unleashed it, looking for your full potential on Monday will be easier, and more productive. You were a good leader today, (y/n). I expected nothing less."

With that, the tall being exited the room, leaving you and the other teenagers. Finally, Jax looked up, her expression slightly brightening at the exit of Slender.

"I convinced her to come back to the house." Toby ticked, sitting beside Jax. "After you left, we talked and I got her to come back."

Jax nodded, resting a hand on the ticking boy's shoulder. "Yeah. I'm sorry for everything, by the way."

"Me too." You murmured, stretching your fist across the counter, urging Jax to bump it.

She obliged, and both your fist and hers flew back in a fake explosion, the two of you making the noises with your mouth like children.

You laughed, resting your head on your boyfriend's shoulder.

"I'm not getting let off easy, just so you know," Jax said, once her laughter died down. A more serious look took over her face. "But I deserve it, so... Yeah."

You nodded, offering a slanted grin. "I know how that feels, Jax."

She gave you a halfhearted smile, sighing once more.

Love Is A Psychopath [Jeff the Killer X Reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ