Chapter 2

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2 whole entire years. That's how long it's been since I've seen them. Everytime dad would go I'd make up an excuse and of course they didn't have the hearts to come themselves. But hey, it would make today be a big surprise. I didn't want them to see me before my whole transformation was over. I was a a completely new person. I had a perfect sized waist, a four pack, I'd grown out my black hair, and I gained a couple of inches. I was proud of my self.

I made friends, a group of amazing ones actually. Emma, Stanley, Jason and Tera. My only friends, the rest of the student body was afraid of me.

I slept over at Tera's place last night just so we could hang out one last time

Dad and I finished placing our stuff in the car I hugged him, and ran to my Motorcycle. I call it the death bike. Dad got it for me last year.

I turned the engine on, nodded at dad and sped off. I had my headphones in, and I was thinking about college. I knew the day would come when I had to come back and attend the college for dummies, I swear its like all the parents in our community send there children their. We're all dumb, but eyyy we're dumb together. No.

Before I knew it I'd reached the familiar black gates that lead to the house which held some of my worst memories. I got off my bike and typed in the security code which I still new by heart. I slowly entered the gates as a piece of each memory gradually came to me. I shuddered in disgust. Before ringing the horror house's doorbell I took a deep breath trying to calm my nerves.

You Jamie Reels. Badass. Unafraid. Here you are being nervous about meeting your own mother and sister. Shame.

Nope, not really. How weird am I? I'm being sarcastic with myself.

Anywho, I collected myself and rung the recently polished bell.

A tall lady, in a dress that reveals way too much, and wore lots of make up stood before me. My mom. After I was done 'checking her out' I looked her straight in the eyes, she stared right back. Finally breaking the silence she jutted her hand out.

"Hi, you must be a friend of Jamies." She said, then thought about it for a moment. " Who am I kidding, Jamie's too anti-social to make a friend like you."

"How depressing. You can't even recognize your own daughter, what an asshole." I mumbled the last bit not wanting her to hear it.

She stood there like a gaping fish. "N-n-no way! You've changed so much, you can't be Jamie." She still came in for a hug to which I didn't respond.

"Amanda, sweetie pie come down here." Eww.

" What is it mom? I'm too busy to see that horrifying face." I almost cringed at the sound of her voice.

I grab my bags and head upstairs to where my room used to be. When I was halfway up the stairs Amanda came out of her room, with her hook up hair going on. Other than that she looked like the same slut she looked like when I'd left. She had the same reaction as her mother. A gaping little fishy wishy! Isn't that great.

"What? Cat got your tongue or is it that dick you were just sucking on that got it. Tell me, I'd like to know." I deadpanned.

I walked right past Amanda, half shoving her in the process of doing so. I walk into the old memory holder. My eyes already heart from seeing the cheeriness and girliness of it. Ughhhhh. Now I'll have to renovate.

I leave my room and notice Nonna's room is now upstairs. My face shows pure confusion. Why is Nonna's room upstairs? She's too old to be walking up stairs. I knock on the door before entering.

I walk into see Nonna attempting to take so medicine, but her hands are shaking too much. My eyes trail up to her face. Her face was paler, had a lot more wrinkles, and permanent stress was etched into it.

Glass HeartsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora