The Pair in Sync

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Chapter 3: The Pair in Sync

Morning came and as usual, Kaijo was having their regular morning practice..

"The starting line-up for this afternoon's game is Me, Moriyama, Kobori, Hayakawa and Nakamura." Kasamatsu announced. "The rest will be having their regular practice. Understood?!" Iyami yelled.

"But I want to play against Kagamicchi and Kurokocchi!~" Kise whined which earned him a glare.. "Enough practice! Rest up and go to class.."

Iyami left the gym early since she already finished giving them water bottles and towels.. She kept thinking about yesterday.. During class, she was unusually quiet..

"Ne, I(y)ami-sa(n), a(r)e yo(u) a(l)ri(g)ht?" Hayakawa asked.. He and Iyami are classmates so he would notice the girl's sudden change. "Well you see, yesterday when I went to Seirin to get Kise.. I actually said rude things to them.. Oooh I feel so guilty.."

"I(y)am(i)-san (i)s re(a)lly (n)ice.. T(h)en y(o)u sho(u)l(d) apo(l)ogi(z)e to (t)hem l(a)ter. (J)ust l(i)ke ho(w) you (u)sua(l)ly w(o)uld." Hearing encouragement from a friend felt nice to Iyami. "Arigato, Hayakawa."

She smiled at the boy and finally regained her usual happy self.. 'That's right. I just have to apologize to them.. I was in the wrong so I should do it..' Iyami thought..

A few minutes later it was lunch time.. But today was really unusual. Standing outside of the second years' room.  Moriyama asked for Iyami.. "Moriyama, what is it?"

"Iyami-chan! I'm in trouble!! Can you help me with my assignment?" Iyami thought he was really in trouble because of how he looked.. "Really Moriyama? You're asking a 2nd year to help with your assignment?" She laughed at her senpai's uniqueness..

"I had no choice! Kobori and Kasamatsu won't let me copy theirs!" the 3rd year whined "Because you're not supposed to copy it! Here let me see.." while Iyami was teaching Moriyama, all the other boys from her class were glaring at him..

'First Hayakawa, now Moriyama? How can they be so lucky?' ... 'I want her to teach me too!' ... 'I want to make her smile like Hayakawa did!' they all thought. But the two of them were oblivious to it...

"Iyami-chan, are you alright? You seemed quiet during practice this morning.." Moriyama asked the teen. 'Even Moriyama is worried about me?..' she thought.. "Don't worry. I'm alright.. senpai."

"I-Iyami-chan... You called me 'senpai'!!! I'm touched!" Moriyama cried. It was almost like never when Iyami would call anyone senpai so he was really glad.. "Moriyama-senpai??" Iyami became nervous in seeing her senpai crying.

"Y-you did it again!~ I can finally die a happy man!" "Moriyama! Don't go saying things like that! Idiot!" Iyami yelled at him. 'She's back to her usual self~ I'm still happy though!' he thought.. Afterwards it was a regular afternoon schedule.. Then after classes it was finally time for the practice game.. Kaijo vs Seirin..

'Better drop by the gym first before going to meet them' Iyami thought to herself.. She was a bit late but she smiled when she saw the players practicing. "Kasamatsu, how's the practice going? And where's coach?" she asked the captain.. "It's fine. Everyone's following the menu you made for them." the captain said not looking at the girl.

"Go on, Kasamatsu. While she looks happy." Moriyama whispered to him while nudging him to say something. Apparently, these two were planning something and Iyami looked at them.. She knew they were up to something but what?

"Ano.. Koyazama... A-are you.." "Am I what? Kasamatsu?" she was surprised to see the boy stuttering since he never stuttered when talking to her.. "Are you.. Uggh! Stupid Moriyama! Nevermind! Just...! Just remember that you can talk to us anytime.. Got that?!" Iyami's cheeeks flushed as she stared at her senpai...

She never thought that so many people were looking out for her.. She smiled widely as she answered. "Hai! Kasamatsu-senpai!" saying that outloud caught everyone off guard! 'She-she said senpai?!' everyone thought..

Hearing that made Kasamatsu flustered.. "I-Idiot!  Do-Don't yell!" "Huh?! Shut up! You're yelling right now, right?? Senpai?!" Iyami asked emphasizing the word senpai to annoy him.. "U-Urusai! You have somewhere to go right?! Shoo! Before I kick you!" he was about to hit her when she dodged his attack.

"Fine. Everyone! Who told you to stop practicing?!" and the manager was back.. "Captain! I'm just gonna go get our opponent! They might get lost on the way here!" Kise's cheery voice boomed across the gym. Before he got a step out, he was thrown back in.. "Oh no you won't! You blonde bishie! Stay here and practice! I'm the one who's getting them!"

After yelling she stomped her way out.. 'Why am I always abused like this?!' the blonde thought... Meanwhile, the Seirin members were already inside Kaijo's school premises..

'How should I apologize?' was the only question going on Iyami's mind and unconsciously walked towards them, bumping unto a certain scary looking red head.. "Uh, I'm sorry---Aaah!!" seeing Kagami's scary face up close scared Iyami speechless..

"Aah! Kagami! What are you doing scaring her?!" his coach screamed. "Get a hold of yourself Koyazama-san!"

'Why is it my fault?' that question was very obvious in Kagami's expression. "Kagami-kun, you should not scare girls." Kuroko lectured him.. "Kagami lacks delicacy. You should learn from Kuroko." Hyuuga added.. "Koyazama?!" hearing that voice brought Iyami back..

"Kasamatsu?! Ah! Oh, I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to!" she bowed her head to Kagami and apologized. "Y-You don't have to apologize. It was my fault. Sorry for scaring you." the red head bowed his head to her.. "Oi, Koyazama! What happened here? We could hear your scream at the gym." Kasamatsu asked the girl when he came close.

"Well, it was just.. Nothing! You don't have to know about it! Why are you even here?! Go back to practice!" the girl yelled covering her red face with one hand while using the other to push him away. "What are you doing?! I'm already here! Might as well greet them!" Kasamatsu yelled and stopped her from pushing.

"I'm Kasamatsu Yukio, Kaijo's captain. Nice meeting you Seirin." he said.. "Yeah, I'm Hyuuga Junpei.. Seirin's captain. It's nice to finally meet you." both captains shook hands when Iyami suddenly butted in.. "N-Now, Kasamatsu, you go on first..." she started to push him away again.. "Why do you keep pushing me?! You're hiding something!" the girl froze when she heard that..

"F-Fine! Just don't laugh.." Kasamatsu wondered what she meant by that and was surprised when she bowed down to Seirin.. Even they were surprised! "W-What are you doing, Koyazama-san?!" Riko asked.. "I'm here to ask for your forgiveness. As Kaijo's manager, it was rude for me to say the things I said yesterday. I was wrong and I have reflected on my actions towards your team. Please forgive me." she said all that head down to the ground..

"It's fine. You were right. As I was yesterday, I couldn't have beaten Kise.. So it's thanks to you that we might win, senpai!" the red head smiled not aware of his mistake.. "Don't go calling me senpai! Call me manager! Teme! And don't get too cocky!" the girl yelled and kicked him.. "Let's go! Kasamatsu! You'll have to work hard to pay for the practice you missed!"

"Urusai! Don't you scream at me!" and while they were walking and screaming to the gym.. "A-Ano.. Koyazama-san. Are you two.. actually dating?" Koganei accidentally threw a bomb..

"W-What?! No!"
"We're not--"
"He/She isn't--!"
"Uggh! Stop copying me!"
"Shut up!"

Iyami and Kasamatsu looked away from each other flustered. 'They're perfectly in sync! They'll make a great couple!' Seirin thought... "Oh they're back! Manager, what happened? When we heard your scream, Kasamatsu suddenly took off.." Moriyama said but the girl just glared at Kasamatsu with a red face. "Nani, nani? Did something happen between you two?~" Moriyama teased.

"Urusai! Let's get ready for the game!" then both of them started to yell their orders.. 'Something did happen! I'm sure of it! Why won't they tell me?~' Moriyama thought. "Oi, Moriyama! Get to work!" the duo yelled..

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