I've Been In This Since The Beggining

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"You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel"
-Johnny Depp

The three then headed towards the meeting room where Primos guardians had gathered to see their bosses protector. G was furious, according to him he could protect Giotto on his own. They soon came to a conclusion that it was better to have someone who could be with Giotto at all times.

They soon entered the room and the first thing that was heard was,
"Who's the kid?" G asked this of course.

"Huhuhu, this boy is the person that will protect Giotto" chuckled Talbot

"WHAT?!" Everyone screamed at once except Alaude and Daemon.

"Excuse me but he looks 15" said Asari kindly.

"Huhuhuhu, he is" Talbot replied

"What's this brat going to do?" Asked Lampo in a bored tone.

"Your a brat too, but really this isn't a good idea" Said G in a serious voice.

"Nufufufu, this should be interesting" said Daemon

"Hn" said Alaude agreeing.

"This boy looks so young how Is he in the mafia?" Asked a concerned Knuckle

"I don't know...." replied Giotto who had kept silent up until now.

"Huhuhuhu, why don't you ask him?" Asked Talbot.

That's when all the attention was put on Tsuna, who was oh so conveniently looking off in the distance because the couldn't understand the conversation anyway. Giotto placed a gentle hand on his shoulder which brought the boy out of his stupor he turned around and faced Giotto.

"H-hai Primo-sama" said Tsuna meekly.

"Tsunayoshi-kun my friends here would like to ask you some questions but first introduce your self" then he turned to his Guardians and said" he is Japanese so he can only understand and speak it" this got a joyful look from Asari and and nods from the others.

Tsuna faced the group and said "Nice to meet you my name is Sawada Tsunayoshi" he bowed then gave them a polite smile. "I-I'm willing to answer q-questions you may have."

"Brat, how are you even in the Mafia" said G rather harshly.

"W-well G-san I was born in the mafia" Tsuna said flinching at his tone of voice.

"What do you mean?" G asked again

"My father is in the mafia so I am too" Tsuna said

"Didn't you have a choice if you wanted to be in the mafia or not?" Asked Knuckle softly.

"N-no Knuckle-san, m-my fate w-was d-decided the day I w-was born" said Tsuna softly

"Do you have social problems? Is that why you stutter?" Asked Knuckle again going into doctor mode.

"I g-guess y-you could say that, o-or just low self esteem"

"I'll give you a check up later"


"Do you have candy?" Pondered Lampo earning him a smack on the head.

Tsuna just giggled and said "hai" so he gave the candy he saves for Lambo to Lampo.

"Can you survive mental torture" said Daemon

"I d-dont know Daemon-san" said Tsuna shuddering "b - but I have been trained to handle it"

"Hn, can you fight?"

"Hai, yes I can Alaude-san"

"Hn, prove it"

"N-not now Alaude-san"


"Were in Japan are you from" asked Asari kindly.

Tsuna smiled and said "Namimori Japan Asari-san"

"How do you know all of out names?" Questioned G

"I k - know a lot about you g-guys" said Tsuna.

"Well Tsunayoshi-kun let Knuckle give you a check up and then you can spar with Alaude, ok?" Asked Giotto


~Death Brings Hope~

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