Demos and Deals

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Kennedy's POV:
To say that I'm scared would be an understatement. As we both file into the record label, the sheer professionalism overwhelms me.

This place is legit.

Turning into a small lobby I get a chance to look around as my mom mumbles incoherently to me. The walls are cream, like the type you'd see at the doctors office lobby, but the similarities stop there. Every wall is decked with frames of platinum records, as well as pictures of Taylor holding awards, and I'm starstruck. At this point my mom has given up all hope of making conversation with me, so we both sit down in silence until Scott appears in the flesh nearly scaring me out of my wits:

"Well hello!! You must be Kennedy! I've heard so much about you"

The guy standing in front of me is the last thing you'd expect of a record label president. He's wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and I'm taller than him! My nervousness instantly fades away and I'm able to respond with equally as much enthusiasm:

"It's an honor to be able to be here! Thank you for having me!!"

We all laugh and he asks us to follow him down a hallway until we arrive at a recording booth. Taking my seat at the piano that has been placed there, I flash a thumbs up to my "audience" and Scott and mom both grin at me. Now or never.

Taking a deep breath I start playing the piano and I sing Birds Flying High by Nina Simone. This is one of the most difficult things I've ever had to learn, and the most rewarding. It always amazes people. As I close the final notes I see my mom and Scott grinning and I breathe in relief. Thank goodness that song didn't disappoint! As I walk out of the booth Scott leads the clapping and I realize that there were more people in the room then I realized.. Crazy!!

Scott: "Kennedy that was fantastic.. I knew I saw talent in you!! Let's head to my office. We need to talk".

With that I hug my mom overjoyed and we both make our way down yet another hallway to a large beige room with floor to ceiling windows. We take our respective seats at each end of the table and after a pause, we start talking;

Scott: "So Kennedy! I just want to get to know you a little better".

He pulls out a pen and starts jotting immediately.

"Do you write songs?"

I gulp. I had been afraid of this question...

"Err.. No.. I pretty much only sing covers, but I've never really tried songwriting before"

He looks a little disappointed and scribbles something else down. Dang it.. I ruined it! My mind goes into panic mode until I realize he's still sitting here talking. Maybe there's hope? He asks more questions about my grades, the type of music I like, and my hopes and dreams.

We talk for about thirty minutes before he says he needs to go talk to someone, and that he'll be right back. He's gone for about ten minutes and when he gets back he's smiling. He wouldn't be smiling if he wanted to reject me right?

Scott: "You are clearly someone to watch and you have so much potential, but we can't sign you on at this time.. ".

Shoot.. I blew it. I look up about to thank him for his time, but he's not finished yet.

Scott: "An artist at this record label is going on tour this summer, and we can book you as the opening act if you're interested for her U.S leg. This will give you the opportunity to experience life as a performer, and really decide if this is something you want to do. This'll give you the chance to grow and develop as a performer, and at the end of the U.S leg, we can definitely rethink our previous decision if necessary".

He pauses smiling and laughs at my expression. My jaw has basically hit the floor right now and I'm internally FREAKING OUT.

: "Kennedy we see a lot of potential in you. The artist will be visiting the office in a few days to finalize the details of her tour, and if you do decide to be her opening act, it's imperative that you guys meet".

The only artist I know that is going on tour from Big Machine Records is Taylor Swift...NO WAY YESSS!! I look at my mom and she beams at me. Taylor Swift is THE biggest thing in music right now. Her shows sell out within minutes, her fan base is enormous, and the amount of people that pack into stadiums to see her number somewhere close to 8,000 per show.

    Looking right back at Scott I tell him that I would love to be the opening act.

At this point more people enter the room and various papers are thrust at mom and I.
Wow. This is the real deal. Scott explains that the artist is in fact Taylor, and he goes on to tell me my salary for the summer, and the living accommodations. I'm grateful when he says all the traveling expenses will be payed for, but my mom and I will have to find our own living accommodations.


My dream is coming true and no one can stop me now!! Kennedy Elizabeth Whittaker coming through everybody!! Remember my name.

The Lucky One (A Taylor Swift Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now