The breakup

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    Just a short first chapter and no idea where I'm going with this...enjoy

  'Hi thanks' Hannah thanked the postman for her package. As she bought it into the apartment she couldn't have been more excited. She opened the gift and there it lay a small locket with a heart shaped pendant. Inside she a photo of the 2 of them and smiled.
       Hannah planned to give this to her girlfriend for her birthday and was incredibly upset when it hadn't arrived but luckily today being the day it had... at 7am. She stared at it, imagining how the night would go... there would be candle light, a romantic dinner and just as they were about to snuggle up in the coach she'd hand it to her making a speech about how lucky she...
Her phone buzzed in her pocket
'Sorry I'm not there I got held up at the office' Ashley her girlfriend of 2 years text her.
'That's okay babe' honestly Hannah hadn't noticed. She had groggily got up just to answer the door and didn't even look to see if Ashley was beside her in bed.

It was now 2 o'clock and Ashley was still a no show.
She rang her. On the third ring she picked up 'umm hello'
'Babe it's your birthday and I haven't seen you all day where are you'
'Oh just you work I'll be home soon'
Hannah sigh 'okay well I've got a surprise fo...' She stopped as she had a revelation. 'They're making you work on Sunday! AND it's your birthday'
'Mhmm'is all Ashley said in response 'gotta go bye!'
'But...' The line went dead. Hannah sat with her own thoughts. I didn't even think they opened her offices in Sunday. Why wouldn't she want to spend time with me on her birthday.What did I do?
     Hannah got tired of waiting and called the office when there was no answer she put her head in her hands and as she went to end the call she heard what she dreaded most on the other end of the line 'our offices aren't open on Sunday's but you can contact us...' The rest didn't even need to be heard. Her girlfriend lied to her. 

   (I won't make this chapter too long so I didn't explain this part well...besides gotta get to the hartbig right)

    The rest of Hannah's day went by in a blur. Finding her girlfriend cheating on her after lying about where she was. Throwing Ashleys things at her but her refusing to leave. And now Hannah walking along a dead silent road at 10pm after leaving the house they had lived together in.
     Everything went by in a blur so fast Hannah didn't even realise she had nowhere to go. Ashley was all she had. What does she do now.
         'Why don't I ever have luck when finding love' Hannah spoke aloud grabbing the locket from her pocket and throwing it to the ground... Before walking away to find a place to stay tonight.

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