Prologue: Rebirth

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Silence filled the pungent air, dim light barely entering the prison cells. A candle was then lit, providing just a tiny hue of orange light. Then, the dim light was joined by muffled whispers, echoing through. A strong wind blew, and the candle fires were extinguished. Darkness and silence filled the room, before a light shone through the area like the morning sun.

"Mortal... you have summoned me, and by your wish, I shall bring you forth anew. Tell me, what reason shall drive your new existence?" An angelic voice spoke, answered by a feminine tone, silent, yet passionate.
"They have taken all from me, and my kinsmen... Everything, but the will to fight. And no death, no rebirth, and not even the gods themselves shall take that away from me!"
"Understood." Came the reply. "Sleep well..."

"Wake up, soldier!" I heard a male voice slightly before I was kicked, fully awake. I jumped up, startled. I looked and saw a man with brown hair and green eyes, his hands on his waist. His armor and blade were decorated with some strange symbol, implying that he was in uniform.

"Today's your evaluation day, soldier, so listen up." He began, startling me. "To decide what your role shall be in our Legion, we have a test to evaluate your skills. It will go like this:
You will be going into the dungeons, where we keep all of our prisoners. However, this time, we have temporarily kept the prisoners in a safe zone, where they are within our surveillance, since you will be using the dungeon for the test.
Once you're in, your job will be to take a set of documents in a chest, located in the very last cell. One of the soldiers took it with them, and it's retrieval is very important. It will not be easy, because 'guards' will be patrolling the area, but if you get it for us, you will be richly rewarded. Now, about those guards...
Those guards are members of the rebel faction, whom we have forced either to fight for their lives, or die for their honor. They volunteered, I assure you.
Now, I am not interested in what you do with them. They're already dead to me. But what's important, is you bring me back those documents in one piece. Are we clear?"

"Um, sir..." I said softly. "What do you mean, "Evaluation Day?"
He rolled his eyes, sighing. "I went through this already, soldier. You are to be evaluated for your usefulness in the Legion's ranks."
But I was still confused. "I can't remember a lot about myself... I'm a soldier?"
"By the gods..." He stomped his foot on the ground. "Yes, you are a soldier. Are you sick, or something? Did you forget your registration into the Valdren Legion as well, or maybe your vows to the Emperor?!"
In fear, I simply shook my head no. But I had forgotten. I hadn't the slightest clue what the man before me spoke of. I didn't even know who he was!
"You had better not. You signed up for an army. I don't want you to waste valuable time like that again. Do you even remember the details I just gave you about the evaluation?"
I nodded, still shaking a bit.

"Good, that's what I like to hear. Now go, the dungeons should be down the left hall. You have a choice of weaponry before the dungeon, so choose wisely." He pointed to his left, towards a hall. "Don't waste any more time than you already have."

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