"Hey, I have an idea!"

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Swap was excited to stay at their place.

Fell showed them the room they would be staying in. 

"You guys aren't probably going to stay here for a long time, so why am I even doing this?!" Fell yelled.

UF!Papyrus walked in.

"He has been like this for a long time. I feel like I put too much pressure on him! I stopped forcing him to do stuff, but that isn't helping!" he explained.

"Hey Fell, do you want to go outside and walk around with me?" Swap had an idea.


They both left the room while US! and UF!Papyrus was going to stay inside.

They both sighed. They didn't know if they could trust their brothers, but they didn't want to let them down. 

"I hope they don't get into trouble..." US!Papyrus said.

UF!Papyrus looked at him. 

"Me too," UF!Papyrus admitted.



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Swap and Fell walked through the waterfalls.

"I seen the waterfalls many of times but they look better for some reason!" Swap smiled.

"What do you mean? They are the same in every universe.." Fell murmured.

He looked at Swap and sighed.

"Don't you get tired of being special?" Fell said sadly.

Swap looked at Fell, confused. 

"We don't a choice. I hate how everyone in my universe is very negative!"

Swap found the source of the unhappiness.

"Only your creators can change your universe."

Fell was shocked when his innocent version of himself said that.

"H-How do you know about that?" Fell stuttered. 

"If you met the original Sans, the one that inspired all the other alternate universes, you start to realize that we all have creators!" Swap stated.

"Also when you have a computer and you can connect to the internet, you can find them and why they made your universe like that!" he added.

Fell stared in shock.

"What? I am a Sans too!"

Berries Together (Swap X Fell)Where stories live. Discover now