My Best Friends Brother

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"I now pronounce you husband and wif-" Wait a second. Who starts with the end, unless you're foreshadowing of corse, but I want to tell you from the beginning. Let me introduce myself. I'm Sarah. Sarah Breen. I live on Autumn Park. My best friend is Jessica Smith. I have known her for 9 years now. Knock knock knock. "My rides here mom got to go bye love you" My best guy friends, Austin and Liam, always pick me up along with Jessica. They have a red convertible that is so nice. But they didn't know half of it. We had a secret that could change everything.

It all started on June 19, 2007. I was going to the pool with Jessica, then we saw him. In his blue green swimsuit, he noticed us and came over to say hi. "Hey. I think I've seen you guys around school. This is my good friend Austin." Liam charmed. "Yeah I know he's my brother. My twin brother." Jessica pounced back at him with demon's eyes. We left them afterwards but I was mesmerized by his H-O-T hotness!! Every time I see him I think about that first time and wonder what it would be like to-. "Hey are you coming. I mean you have no choice you're coming anyway. It's school." Jessica said concerned about what I was thinking. "Of course. Sorry I went into deep thought again." I stumbled out of the car. "Okay, meet us back here. We'll go find a parking spot." Liam gleamed at us. "Yeah we just have to go to the bathroom really quickly." Jessica said winking at me as they sped off. "Were you thinking about the time you met again." Jessica suggested, raising her eyebrows with an "are you serious" look. "Maybe." I said. "I must be going crazy. I can't love my best friend that I've known for 6 years. Or can I?"

Oh I'm sorry you have no idea what I look like or what anyone looks like in fact. I have dark brown eyes with wavy long brown hair. I love to sing and play my flute. Jessica has blue green eyes with straight long blonde hair. She writes and plays her clarinet. Liam has pretty brown hair with sweet chocolate eyes. He plays football and trombone with Austin. Austin has short dark brown hair with carmel eyes. Jessica and I live on Autumn Park. They live on Summer Lane. We are all 13 years old now. Soon Liam will be 14. On the 25th. We all live in Colossal Ways in Conroe, Texas. I have a little sister named Annabeth. She is five. Austin and Jessica have a little brother named Percy that is 3. Liam has a little brother named Louis and he's 5.

I didn't get to finished my story from earlier. I wanted to see what it was like to date him get married, have a kid named Louisanna. But I didn't want that to get in the way of school. My mom always says school comes before life basically. We came out of the bathroom approaching where Liam told us to meet him just to find him with some girl. "Hey. I want you to meet my girlfriend, Jordan Jackson." I'm going to die right now.

"Hey. I'm Sarah and this is my friend Jessica." I tried to say cheerfully. "Oh my gosh. I've heard so much about you guys. We are going to be best friends." And that's just what we did. We went to movie premiers, had sleepovers, but most importantly we went to church together. Like normal Christian friends we got baptized together . We always got the same Sunday School classes. We were always together. Then Liam came up. I was so upset. I had completely forgotten until now. Something I liked happen afterwards. Jordan complained about him. "He's always hanging out with Austin. I haven't seen him in weeks. I haven't seem him since Spring Break started. I think I'm going to break up with him." I nearly screamed with excitement. Then I thiught a little deeper. "What if he thinks we talked her into this. What if he is to upset to talk to us. What if he unfriend us. Then I would never have a chance with him." I thought panicking. "I don't know. Do you really want to do that to the poor guy. I mean his birthday is soon. Don't break his heart now. Wait until at least a week after." I suggested making sure I wasn't blowing my cover. "Wait his birthday is tomorrow. I completely forgot about it." Well at least someone's happy.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIAM!" We all shouted with joy. "So you are finally 14." Sarah sighed. "Can I tell you something in private?" Liam asked. Sarah nodded quickly as she thought this was her big moment. "I think I should break up with Jordan. I barely see her." Liam sighed finally getting that off his chest. "Really. She wanted to break up with you for the same reason." Sarah thought not knowing what to say. "If you really think that's what you want than do it. Listen to your brain not your heart, it's and idiot." We both laughed so hard that we could barely breathe. "Jordan, can I talk to you please?" The party heard yelling, crying and a loud thud when Jordan came out crying. Liam came after and walked over towards me. "She thinks its my fault that we broke up." Liam complained. "Is it?" I had to think hard about this. Was it Liam's fault for hanging out with Austin or Jordan's fault for hanging out with us? "I think it's both of your faults because you didn't make time for her and she didn't make time for you. And I think she used you because she smiled the I like you smile at Austin after you guys broke up." Sarah confessed. "That makes me feel worse." Liam yelped as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"I feel really bad." I said guiltily to Jessica. She was the only person I could trust with all my secrets. "I'm here." Liam said at my door with Louis. "Louuu!" Annabeth screamed with joy. "You two go play. We'll be in here if you need us." I told them. "Sarah, are you doing anything tomorrow night?" Liam asked. Before this happens I'm going to tell you something. Not everything is what it seems to be. "No." I said cheerfully knowing that I'm a loner. "Well, do you want to go out then?" Liam said shyly. "Sure. As friends?" I asked. "No. No. Unless you want to?" Liam felt a little awkward. Well if you thought that was true, you haven't been paying attention. Now this is what really happened. "No." I said. "Can you watch Louis for me? I'm going to see a movie with some of my friends." Liam asked. "Yeah sure." I scowled.

"Great now I have to take care of two little brats." I mumbled. "It's okay. I'll help you!" Jessica replied joyfully. There was a knock on the door. We looked at each thinking who could that be. "Did Liam forget something?" Jessica questioned. "Not that I know of." I said confused. Surprisingly it was Jordan. "Hey what are you doing here?" I hugged her. "Okay so just because Liam broke up with me doesn't mean we can't be friends, right?" Jordan explained why she had come back and apologized for how she acted that day. "So do you guys need anything?" Jordan wanted to help. "Yeah sure, you can come back here tomorrow at 5:00 and help us watch Louis, Annabeth, and Percy." Jessica informed. "Okay see you tomorrow." As everyone was happy and friends, no one was expecting what was going to happen tomorrow.

In science class, Sarah was so upset when she looked over at Liam, just to find him talking to a girl named Ashley. Ashley was one of Sarah's best friends. It killed her inside. She just wanted to scream. After science, when we were walking to our buses. A girl came up to him and said that she loved his chubby cheeks. It drove Sarah crazy. She wanted to just go home and die. That's when Jessica and Ashley came up and asked whats wrong. She couldn't even talk to them. That night Liam came over. Sarah completely forgot he was coming over. She was in her room singing Taylor Swift songs when he knocked. She wiped of her face as much as she could, then ran to the door. "Hey. Annabeth! Louis here!" Sarah yelled. Little Annabeth came in jumping up and down saying "Louis here! Louis here! Louis here!" Louis ran in and they hugged each other. "So what movie are you seeing?" Sarah asked politely. "Oh yeah, we're watching Captain America." Liam said like he was so cool. "Good night, bud!" Liam said to Louis.

A few hours later, Liam came to pick up Louis. "Hey, we should hang out sometime. Maybe Saturday?" Liam suggested. Sarah was freaking out. "Yeah, sure." Sarah calmed herself. "Okay. I'll text you the details. Bye!" Liam left. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Sarah screamed with joy. "Can Louis and Percy come over tomorrow, too?" Annabeth giggled. "Sure. I'll text their brothers and see of they can come over tomorrow." Sarah laughed. "Time for bed, now. Go get some sleep!" Annabeth ran to her bed and Sarah kissed her goodnight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2014 ⏰

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